Auden Circle for B.A. 4th Semester

Auden Circle for B.A. 4th Semester, by Podmeswar

Write a note on Auden Circle with special reference to T.S. Eliot, W. H. Auden and W.B. Yeats.
Auden Group (1930-39) is the name frequently used by scholars as a collection of writers, poets, musicians and painters who as the members of what T.S. Eliot describe as – ‘definitely post-war generation’. They were thought to be more or bless closely affiliated during the 1930’s with the prominent poet of that time, W.H. Auden. The 1930’s was a period in which poetry, politics, class and block solidarities commanded wild spread loyalty in Britain. The party in power demanded some kind of loyalty from the writers and poets in favor of them. As a result different groups emerged showing loyalty towards different political parties. At a time of social crises and conflict many citizens define their own identity in terms of collection groupings. In this sense perception of the Auden group was typical of the time. Its participants were characterized by their use of less experimental literary styles then those prevalent in the 1920’s.
                Some authorities have claimed that the group was a mere fiction of copy hungry journalist. The Auden group had no fixed program, no membership and no regular meeting. However the poet and editor Geoffrey Grigson whose periodical ‘New Verse’(1933) was one of the main outlets for Auden and also for the others who remains in his orbit.

W.H. Auden:
Auden has been accepted a leading poet and one whose influence was felt in most of the contemporary verse and poets. Auden was outspokenly anti-romantic and like others of his group of writers stressed on the objective attitude of the composition. Technically, Auden was an artist of great skill, an experimental verse form with a fine rhythm and music of words. Stephen Spender described Auden as the most accomplished technician who wrote poetry in English language.
                There are two scholars of thought regarding calling him as a modern poet. Some modern critics are the opinion that he is a great poet who has exercised influenced on modern poetry. But, the other critics for him, he is a second generation modern, as they found that Auden was old fashion and traditional in his views, concepts dogmas and ethics. There is no doubt Auden has influenced the modern poets in the use of new techniques. Most of the poets of ‘Auden Circle’ imitate his writing techniques. They copy him as a stylistic and versatile person who has changed the conception of poetry according to modern circumstances. Auden has a remarkable grip on history, philosophy, theology, mythology and contemporary current affairs. His political theory, science and psychology had great impact on all the poets of his generation. Some other remarkable Auden Circle’s members are—

W.B. Yeats:-
Yeats was an Irishman but he takes his place among the great English poets of all terms. Tributes to his greatness have been pay for time to time by evident poets and critics. Yeats is great by virtue of bulk and variety of his poetry. His poetic works are uniformly great even though he writes on such varied subjects like ancient pleasant, mythology, folklore, politics, history, love and constantly creates new myths of his own. His creative range is immense. He writes with perfect skill on different themes taken from every possible spheres of life.
                Yeats has been called ‘the last of the great romantics’. He started his poetic carrier as a romantic poet. But, soon became dissatisfied with the romanticism. His later poetry is characterized by mark of necked realism. In keeping with modern realistic trend, Yeats composed poetry with greater force and with perfect use of realistic language of day by day life. Yeats is a symbolist from the beginning of his carrier. Many critics regarded him as the chief exponent of the symbolist movement in England. The same symbol is used in a number of poems but with a different sense. These techniques make his poetry more complex and more modern.
                Yeats is a great myth maker. He is richly gifted with a mytho-poetic imagination. Yeats is forever finding analogical for the present and the present in the past and also presented them in an impersonal manner. Yeats is conscious artist who polished and re-polished his verses and tried to reveal what he really wants to say beautifully clearly and musically. Like a true artist, he selects his words with a reference to their sense and sound. So, we can conclude that Yeats may not be a Shakespeare or a Milton but he must certainly rank with the greatest poets of all times as Yeats permanence is beyond question.

T.S. Eliot:
Thomas Stern Eliot is a major figure in English literature since 1920’s. His literary carrier extended well-over a period of 45 years and during this long spend of time which he dominated the English literary scenario. No other English poet of the 20th century has shown such originality. His first group of poems, ‘Prufrock and other observations’ was published in 1917. Eliot was an assistant editor of the Egoist and he also founders his own magazine called ‘Criterion’ (1922) in which his famous poem ‘The Waste land’ (1922) was first published. Eliot’s other most important poems are ‘Ash Wednesday’, ‘Four quarters’ etc. Eliot was the prominent dramatist of a new kind of drama called ‘poetic drama’ and his important plays are ‘Murder in the Cathedral’, ‘The Family Reunion’, ‘The Cocktail Party’ and ‘The elderly Stress man’. As a critic Eliot has presented many useful theories like ‘Notes towards the definition of culture’, ‘Poetry and Drama’ and ‘Traditional and individual Talent’. Eliot also received the Noble Prize for literature in 1948.
                Eliot’s poetry is a unique mixture of tradition and individual talent. He was a poet of vast experience and his poetry is the outcome of very influences. Eliot was influenced by English metaphysical tradition, the French symbolist movement, the poetry of Dante, the philosophy of the East, Hindu’s and Budha’s religion and also Christian tradition and theology, and ancient myths and reason. He projects all these influential on the canvas of his poetry and that makes him a very difficult poet and a poet for the learn few.
                Eliot’s poetry is poetry of revolt. He rejected the romantic tradition of poetry by imparting the reality. Through his poetry Eliot projects the illusion men of modern times. His poetries are full of images and symbols. Eliot was a great experimenter with verse form and always tried to break traditional concept of poetry. Eliot’s influential has been complexed and varied. Many poets of his time tried to imitate his style. As a part of Auden Circle, Eliot left much great influential comparing to other poets of the book.

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