
Questions from Model Question Bank noted by P.B.
Short Type Questions: Mark:
the correct alternative:
(a) ______
is a coffee country, famous for its rainforests and spices.
………. হ’ল কফিৰ দেশ, লগতে বৰ্ষাৰণ্য আৰ মচলাৰ বাবে বিখ্যাত ৷
Mysore (ii)
(iii) Mangalore
(ii) Coorg.
(b) Coorg
is said to have evergreen rainforests, spices and
ক বৰ্ষাৰণ্য,
মচলা আৰ ………………. বিখ্যাত ঠাই বোলা হয় ৷
(i) tea
(ii) rubber plantations (iii) coffee plantations
(iii) coffee plantations
(c) The people of Coorg look (Coorg মানুহ দেখাত
(i) rigid (কঠোৰ)
(ii) independent (আত্মনিৰ্ভৰশীল)
(iii) very short
(ii) independent.
(d) The traditional dress (apparel)
of Coorgi people is known as (Coorgi মানুহবোৰৰ পৰম্পৰাগত পোছাকক …………. বুলি জনা যায় ৷ )
(ii) Kuffia
(iii) Kullia
(i) Kuppia.
(e) The large freshwater fish found
in Coorg is (Coorg ৰ পৰিস্কাৰ
পানীত পোৱা ডাঙৰ মাছবিধ হ’ল- )
(i) river
(iii) Rohu
(ii) Mahaseer.
- Choose true or false:
(a) Lokesh Abrol wrote the
(b) Coorg is a home to evergreen
rainforests, spices and coffee plantations. (Coorg ক বৰ্ষাৰণ্য, মচলা আৰ কফিৰ বাগিছাৰ ঠাই হিচাপে জনা হয় ৷ )
(c) Tea and rubber grow in Coorg in
plenty.(চাহ আৰ ৰবৰ Coorg
ত বহুপৰিমাণে উৎপাদন হয় ৷ )
(d) The people of Coorg are possibly
of French descent.( Coorg ৰ মানুহবোৰ
সম্ভৱতঃ ফ্রেন্সসকলৰ উপৰিপুৰুষ)
False. (মিছা)
(e) The first chief of the Indian
Army, General Cariappa, was a Coorgi. (ভাৰতবৰ্ষৰ প্রথমজন সেনা প্রধান সেনাপতি ক্যাৰিয়াপ্পা কুৰ্গৰ লোক ৷ )
Ans: True.
(f) One can have a man of view area
of Coorg from the Brahmagiri hills.(ব্রহ্মগিৰি পাহাৰৰ পৰা যিকোনো লোকে গোটেই কুৰ্গ অঞ্চলটো দেখা পাব পাৰে ৷
- Who wrote the prose piece, “Coorg”?( Coorg কোনে লিখিছিল ?)
Lokesh Abrol wrote the prose piece, “Coorg”.
- Where is Coorg? (Coorg ক’ত আছে ?)
Coorg is situated midway between Mysore and Mangalore in the state of
Karnataka. (Coorg, Mysore আৰ Mangalore
নামৰ ঠাই দুখনৰ মাজভাগত Karnataka
ৰাজ্যত অৱস্থিত ৷)
- What is Coorg home to? (Coorg কিহৰ বাসস্থান ?)
Coorg is home to evergreen rainforests, spices and coffee plantations. (Coorg চিৰসেউজীয়া বৰ্ষাৰণ্য, মচলাজাতীয় গছ-গছনী আৰ কফি গছবোৰৰ বাসভূমি ৷)
- What is the other name of Coorg? (Coorg ৰ আন এটা নাম কি?)
The other name of Coorg is Kodagu.( Coorg ৰ আন এটা নাম হ’ল Kodagu)
- What covers thirty percent of Coorg district?
(কিহে Coorg
district ৰ 30 % আগুৰি আছে?)
Evergreen rainforests (চিৰসেউজীয়া
বৰ্ষাৰণ্য) cover thirty per cent of Coorg district.
- Do the visitors have a good time in Coorg
during the monsoons? (বাৰিষা চলি
থকা সময়ত Coorg
ভ্রমণকাৰীসকলৰ কাৰণে ভাল সময়নে?)
No, the visitors have not a good time in Coorg during the monsoons. (নহয়)
- Which
crops grow in Coorg in plenty? (কোনবিধ শস্য Coorgত অধিক পৰিমাণে উৎপাদন হয়)
Coffee plants grow in Coorg in plenty. (কফি গছ)
- What can be seen in Coorg most prominently?
সুস্পষ্টভাৱে কোনবোৰ দেখা যায়?)
Ans: Coffee estates and
colonial bungalows can be seen most prominently in Coorg district which are
stand tucked under tree canopies in prime corners. (কফিৰ বাগিছাবোৰ & ঔপনিবেশিক/পুৰণি কালৰ বাংলু/ঘৰবোৰ, যিবোৰ ডাঙৰ গছবোৰৰ তলত মূল চোকবোৰত আছিল )
- State the Coorgi people’s descent. (Coorgi মানুহবোৰৰ উপৰিপুৰষ কোন?)
The Coorgi people are possibly of Greek or Arab descent/origin. (Greek বা Arabৰ)
- What is Kuppia? (Kuppia মানে কি)
Kuppia is the long, black coat with an embroidered waist-belt worn by the
Kodavus, i.e., the Coorgi people. (Kuppia হ’ল Kodavus সকলে পিন্ধা দীঘল, পেটীৰে সৈতে এক কলা কোট)
- What is Kuffia?
Kuffia is the traditional attire/formal cloth of the Arabs and the Kurds. (Kuffia
হ’ল Arabs আৰ Kurds সকলে পিন্ধা এক পৰম্পৰাগত প্রাচীন কাপোৰ/পোছাক)
- What was worn by the Arabs and the Kurds? (Arabs
আৰ Kurds সকলে কি পিন্ধিছিল?)
Kuffia was worn by the Arabs and the Kurds.
- What is the place of the Coorg Regiment in the
Indian Army?
The Coorg Regiment has a high place in the Indian Army. It is one of the most decorated
in the Indian Army. The first Chief of the Indian Army, General Cariappa, was a
- Name the Coorgi Army General of the Indian
Army ৰ Coorg ৰ সেনাপ্রধানজনৰ নাম কি
আছিল ?)
General Cariappa is the Coorgi Army General of the first Chief of
the Indian Army.
- What status do the Kodavus enjoy in India?
(India ৰ ভিতৰত Coorg ৰ মানুহসকলো কোনটো সুবিধা বেছিকৈ
The Kodavus, i.e., the Coorgi people enjoy the privilege of carrying
firearms without a licence. (Licence অবিহনে আগ্নেয়-অস্ত্র লৈ ফুৰাটো )
- Name the river of Coorg. (Coorg ৰ নদীখনৰ নাম কি?)
The river of Coorg is Kaveri. (কাবেৰী)
- Name the large freshwater fish available in
the river in Coorg. (Coorgত পোৱা ডাঙৰ মাছটো
The large freshwater fish available in the river in Coorg is Mahaseer.
- Name
the birds and animals found in Coorg. (Coorg ত পোৱা চৰাই আৰ জন্তুবোৰৰ নাম)
The birds and animals found in Coorg are –kingfisher, Squirrel (Malabar squirrel),
langur, elephant, macaque and slender loris.
- What is favourite for the trekkers in Coorg?
The favourite adventures for the trekkers in Coorg are – river rafting,
canoeing, rappelling, rock climbing and mountain biking and numerous walking
- From where can one have a view of a wide area
of Coorg? (Coorg ৰ ক’ৰ পৰা এক বহল অংশ পৰিদৰ্শন/চাব পাৰে?)
One can have a view of a wide area of Coorg from the top of the
Brahmagiri hills.
- Name the island in Coorg. (Coorg ৰ দ্বীপটোৰ নাম)
The island in Coorg is Nisargadhama.
- Where is India’s largest Tibetan settlement?
India’s largest Tibetan settlement is in the island of Nisargadhama at nearby
Bylakuppe in Coorg.
25.What is the name of hill of
Coorg? (Coorg ৰ পৰ্বতখনৰ নাম)
Ans: The name of the hill of Coorg
is Brahmagiri. (ব্রহ্মগিৰি
B. Short Type Questions
Marks : 2/3
- Describe Coorg in brief, as presented in the
opening paragraph. (Not Important)
Coorg is situated midway between Mysore and Mangalore and is described as a
piece of heaven that must have drifted from the kingdom of god. It is also
described as a land of rolling hills, martial men, beautiful women and wild
- Where is Coorg situated? What is so significant
about it as a place deserving to be visited?
(Coorg ক’ত অৱস্থিত?
কিয় এই ঠাইখন
ভ্রমণৰ বাবে এক উপযোগী ঠাই?)
Coorg is situated midway between Mysore and the coastal town of Mangalore in
the state of Karnataka. (Coorg, Karnatakarৰ Mysore আৰ উপকূলীয় নগৰ Mangaloreৰ মাজভাগত)
It is a paradise land of rolling
hills, martial men, beautiful women and wild creatures. It is famous for the
evergreen rainforests and coffee estates. It is also a significant/important
place for some adventure works like river rafting, rock climbing and most other
walking trails. So, it deserves to be visited. (এই ঠাইখন পাহাৰ-পৰ্বত, যুজাৰ মানুহ, ধুণীয়া মহিলা আৰ বনৰীয়া জন্তুৰে সৈতে এক স্বৰ্গীয় ঠাই ৷ এই
ঠাইখন চিৰসেউজীয়া বৰ্ষাৰণ্য আৰ কফিৰ বাগিছাৰ বাবে বিখ্যাত ৷ আনকি,
দুঃসাহসীক কৰ্মৰ বাবেওঁ ই এক লেখতলবলগীয়া
ঠাই ৷)
- Describe the Coorgi people and their descent.(Look
at the previous question)
- What are Kuppia and Kuffia?
Ans: Kuppia is the long, black coat with
an embroidered waist-belt worn by the Kodavus, i.e., Coorgi people. (Kuppia
হ’ল Kodavus সকলে পিন্ধা দীঘল, পেটীৰে সৈতে এক কলা কোট)
Kuffia is
traditionally worn by the Arabs and the Kurds.
(Kuffia হ’ল Arabs আৰ Kurds সকলে পিন্ধা এক পৰম্পৰাগত প্রাচীন কাপোৰ/পোছাক)
- Explain
in brief about the Coorgi people’s valour and bravery.
The Coorgi people are fiercely independent and brave. They are always willing/like
to recount/tell the tales of valour related to their sons and fathers. They are
the only people in India permitted to carry firearms without a license. The
Coorgi Regiment is one of the most decorated in Indian Army and the first Chief
of the Indian Army, General Cariappa, was a Coorgi.
are proved that the Corrgi people’s have much valour and bravery.
(1.Coorgৰ মানুহবোৰ স্বাধীন আৰ সাহসিয়াল ৷ 2.তেওঁলোকে সদায় পুত্র আৰ দেউতাক সকলৰ পৰাক্রমৰ সাধুবোৰ কৈ
ভাল পাইছিল ৷ 3.ভাৰতৰ ভিতৰত
তেওঁলোকেই হ’ল একমাত্র মানুহ
যোনে আগ্নেয়অস্ত্র Licence অবিহনে লৈ ঘূৰি ফূৰিব পাৰিছিল ৷ 4.
The Coorgi Regiment হ’ল Indian Armyৰ এক উচ্চ এক স্থান আছে আৰ 5.General
Cariappa, প্রথম Indian
Army প্রধান সেনাধ্যক্ষ,
এজন Coorgi মানুহ ৷ এইবোৰে প্রমাণ কৰে যে Coorg
ৰ মানুহবোৰ স্বাধীন আৰ সাহসিয়াল ৷)
- How is the wildlife of Coorg?(Coorg ৰ বন্য জন্তুসমূহৰ জীৱন কেনেকোৱা?)
Coorg has a bountiful/generous and varied wildlife. It has fish like the
Mahaseer, birds like kingfisher and animals like Malabar squirrel, langur,
macaque, slender loris and elephant. Besides, bees and butterflies are also to
be seen there.
Coorg ত প্রচুৰ আৰ বিভিন্নধৰণৰ বণ্যপানী আছে ৷ যেনেকৈ মহাশীৰ
নিচিনা মাছ, মাছৰোকাৰ নিচিনা
চৰাই, আৰ জন্তু যেনেকৈ
Malabar কেৰ্কেটোৱা,
বান্দৰবোৰ আৰ হাতীবোৰ ৷ ইয়াৰ উপৰিওঁ মৌ-মাখি আৰ পখিলাবোৰ তাত দেখা পোৱা যায় ৷
- What are the high energy adventures that are
available in Coorg? (Same as New 3)Attach
The high energy adventures that are available in Coorg are river rafting,
canoeing, rappelling, rock climbing and mountain biking.
- Describe the animals that can be seen and are
available in Coorg. (Attached the question)
Ans: In Coorg,
squirrels and langurs drop partially eaten fruit for the mischief of enjoying
the splash and the ripple effect in the clear water. Elephants enjoy being
bathed and scrubbed in the river by their mahouts. Macaques, Malabar squirrels,
langurs and slender loris keep a watchful eye from the tree canopy.
- How can one have a panoramic view of Coorg? (Coorgৰ প্রশস্ত/বিশালদৃশ্য কেনেকৈ দেখা যায়
One can have a panoramic view of Coorg by climbing on to the top of the
Brahmagiri hills. (ব্রহ্মগিৰি
পৰ্বতৰ ওপৰৰ পৰা ৷)
- Describe the Tibetan settlement in Coorg.
In the sixty-four-acre island of Nisargadhama in Coorg, there is a Tibetan
settlement at nearby Bylakuppe. The monks can be seen in red, ochre and yellow
Q11. What is
referred to as ‘a piece of heaven’and why? (স্বৰ্গৰ এক অংশ বুলি কাক কোৱা হয়
Ans. The place referred to as ‘a piece of heaven’ is Coorg. Because, it is the most wonderful place that can be compare with a paradise place. ( Coorg ক স্বৰ্গৰ এক অংশ বুলি কোৱা হয় ৷ কাৰণ, এইখন এখন বহু ধুণীয়া যাক স্বৰ্গৰ এখন ঠাই হিচাপে তুলনা কৰিব পাৰে ৷)
Q12. Where is it situated?
Ans. It is situated in Karnataka.
Ans. The place referred to as ‘a piece of heaven’ is Coorg. Because, it is the most wonderful place that can be compare with a paradise place. ( Coorg ক স্বৰ্গৰ এক অংশ বুলি কোৱা হয় ৷ কাৰণ, এইখন এখন বহু ধুণীয়া যাক স্বৰ্গৰ এখন ঠাই হিচাপে তুলনা কৰিব পাৰে ৷)
Q12. Where is it situated?
Ans. It is situated in Karnataka.
Q13. Why do many tourists not visit Coorg during monsoons? (বৰষুণৰ দিনত কিয় বহুতো ভ্রমণকাৰী Coorgলৈ আহিব নোৱাৰে ?)
Ans. During the monsoons, there are heavy rainfall/pours enough. That is why/so; many tourists do not visit this place during this season/time. Actually, in these days the roads conditions are very worse/bad for communication. (বাৰিষাকালত, বহুপৰিমাণৰ বৰষুণ পৰে ৷ সেয়েহে, বহুতো ভ্রমণকাৰী এই সময়খিনিত এই ঠাইলৈ ভ্রমণ কৰিব নোৱাৰে ৷ সদ্যহতে, এইদিনবোৰত ৰাস্তাবোৰৰ অৱস্থা সংযোগৰ বাবে বহুত বেয়া হয় ৷)
Q14. Why are people drawn to Coorg? (Coorg লৈ আহিবলৈ মানুহবোৰ কিয় উন্মুক্ত হয়?)
Ans. People are drawn to Coorg because of its natural beauty, fine weather and refreshing air.( Coorg লৈ আহিবলৈ মানুহবোৰ উন্মুক্ত হয় কাৰণ ইয়াৰ প্রাকৃতিক সৌন্দৰ্য্য, ধুণীয়া জলবায়ু আৰ সতেজ বায়ুৰ বাবে)
Q15.What is the chief characteristic of the Coorg people? (Coorgৰ মানুহবোৰৰমূল বৈশিষ্ট্য কি?)
Ans. Coorgi people are fiercely independent. This is the chief character of the Coorg people. (Coorgৰ মানুহবোৰৰ মূল বৈশিষ্ট্য হ’ল তেওঁলোক সাংঘাতিকভাৱে স্বাধীন ৷ )
Q16. Why did a part of Alexander’s army settle in Coorg? (কিয় Alexanderৰ কিছুমান সৈন্য Coorg ত বসবাস কৰিব লৈছিল? )
Ans. The part of Alexander’s army found it impractical to return and therefore they settled in Coorg. (তেওঁলোক তাৰ পৰা ঘূৰি আহিব পৰা নাছিল ৷)
Q17. What supports the Greek theory about the origin of the Coorgi people? (কিহে Coorgi মানুহসকলৰ উপৰিপুৰষৰ বিষয়ে থকা ‘Greek Theory’ টোত সহায় কৰিছে ?)
Ans. The martial traditions, the marriage (rituals) and religious rites’
(যুদ্ধ-সম্বন্ধীয় পৰম্পৰাবোৰ, বিয়া-বাৰ কৰ্মবোৰ আৰ ধৰ্মীয় অনুষ্ঠানবোৰৰ স্পষ্টকৈ Coorg মানুহসকলক Greek সকলৰ উপৰিপুৰষ হিচাপে থকা Theory টোত সহায় কৰিছে ৷)
Q18. What supports the Arab theory about the origin of the Coorgi people?
Ans. The Coorgis/Kodavus wear a long, black coat with an embroidered waist-belt known as Kuppia. It resembles the Kuffia worn by the Arabs and the Kurds. It supports that the Coorgi people are of Arab descent/origin. (Coorgi /Kodavus মানুহসকলে এক দীঘল, ককালৰ এম্বড্রাই পেটিৰে সৈতে এক কুলা কোট পিন্ধিছিল ৷এইটো Arabs আৰ Kurds সকলে পিন্ধা ‘Kuffia’ নামৰ চোলাৰ সৈতে দেখিবলৈ একে ৷এইটো ইংগিত দিয়ে যে Arab সকল Coorgi সকলৰ উপৰিপুৰষ আছিল ৷)
Q19. Who was General Cariappa? (General Cariappa কোন আছিল ? )
Ans. General Cariappa was a Coorgi and the first chief of the Indian Army. (General Cariappa এজন Coorgi মানুহ আছিল আৰ প্রথম Indian Army ৰ সেনাপ্রধান আছিল ৷)
Q20. What is unique/uncommon about the Kodavus/Coorgis in India? (ভাৰতত Kodavus/Coorgisসকলৰ অদ্বিতীয় কথাটো/Facility টো কি ?)
Ans. Koodavus are the only people in India who are permitted to carry fire arms without a licence. (Kodavus/Coorgis সকল একমাত্র ভাৰতৰ ভিতৰত মানুহ যোনে আগ্নেয়অস্ত্র Licence অবিহনে লৈ ঘূৰি ফূৰিব পাৰে ৷)
Q21. Where does the river Kaveri get its water from? (Coorg ত থকা Kaveri নদীয়ে ক’ৰ পৰা পানী পায় ?)
Ans. The river Kaveri gets its water from the hills and forests of Coorg.
Q22. What kind of fish is found in the river Kaveri? (Kaveri নদীত কেনেপ্রকাৰৰ মাছ পোৱা যায়)
Ans. Mahaseer, a large fresh water fish, is found in the river Kaveri.
Q23. What view is seen from the Brahmagiri hills? (Brahmagiri পৰ্বতৰ পৰা কেনে দেখা যায়?)
Ans. The Brahmagiri hills gives the entire misty view of Coorg. (সম্পূৰ্ণ Coorg খন)
Q24. How can we reach the Nisargadhama island? How big is it? (কেনেকৈ Nisargadhama দ্বীপলৈ যাব পাৰি ? ই কিমান ডাঙৰ ?)
Ans. We can reach Nisargadhama island after a walk across the rope bridge. (এক ৰচীৰেওলমা দলং পাৰহৈ আমি Nisargadhama দ্বীপলৈ যাব পাৰো ৷)
Q18. What supports the Arab theory about the origin of the Coorgi people?
Ans. The Coorgis/Kodavus wear a long, black coat with an embroidered waist-belt known as Kuppia. It resembles the Kuffia worn by the Arabs and the Kurds. It supports that the Coorgi people are of Arab descent/origin. (Coorgi /Kodavus মানুহসকলে এক দীঘল, ককালৰ এম্বড্রাই পেটিৰে সৈতে এক কুলা কোট পিন্ধিছিল ৷এইটো Arabs আৰ Kurds সকলে পিন্ধা ‘Kuffia’ নামৰ চোলাৰ সৈতে দেখিবলৈ একে ৷এইটো ইংগিত দিয়ে যে Arab সকল Coorgi সকলৰ উপৰিপুৰষ আছিল ৷)
Q19. Who was General Cariappa? (General Cariappa কোন আছিল ? )
Ans. General Cariappa was a Coorgi and the first chief of the Indian Army. (General Cariappa এজন Coorgi মানুহ আছিল আৰ প্রথম Indian Army ৰ সেনাপ্রধান আছিল ৷)
Q20. What is unique/uncommon about the Kodavus/Coorgis in India? (ভাৰতত Kodavus/Coorgisসকলৰ অদ্বিতীয় কথাটো/Facility টো কি ?)
Ans. Koodavus are the only people in India who are permitted to carry fire arms without a licence. (Kodavus/Coorgis সকল একমাত্র ভাৰতৰ ভিতৰত মানুহ যোনে আগ্নেয়অস্ত্র Licence অবিহনে লৈ ঘূৰি ফূৰিব পাৰে ৷)
Q21. Where does the river Kaveri get its water from? (Coorg ত থকা Kaveri নদীয়ে ক’ৰ পৰা পানী পায় ?)
Ans. The river Kaveri gets its water from the hills and forests of Coorg.
Q22. What kind of fish is found in the river Kaveri? (Kaveri নদীত কেনেপ্রকাৰৰ মাছ পোৱা যায়)
Ans. Mahaseer, a large fresh water fish, is found in the river Kaveri.
Q23. What view is seen from the Brahmagiri hills? (Brahmagiri পৰ্বতৰ পৰা কেনে দেখা যায়?)
Ans. The Brahmagiri hills gives the entire misty view of Coorg. (সম্পূৰ্ণ Coorg খন)
Q24. How can we reach the Nisargadhama island? How big is it? (কেনেকৈ Nisargadhama দ্বীপলৈ যাব পাৰি ? ই কিমান ডাঙৰ ?)
Ans. We can reach Nisargadhama island after a walk across the rope bridge. (এক ৰচীৰেওলমা দলং পাৰহৈ আমি Nisargadhama দ্বীপলৈ যাব পাৰো ৷)
The island is sixty-four-acre (64) in area. (64 একৰ মাটিৰে ইয়াৰ এলেকা আগুৰি আছে৷)
Q25. How do we feel at the Tibetan settlement Bylakuppe?
Ans. We feel as if we have discovered here the heart and soul of India.
Q26. What do you know about the set up of Coorg? (Repetition Q. of Coorg Siuated)
Ans. Coorg is situated at midway between Mysore and the coastal town of Mangalore. This land of rolling hills is inhabited by the army men/martial men, beautiful women and wild creatures.
Q27. Write down Alexander’s story about Coorg descent? (Repetition Question)
Ans. According to one story, Coorgs are the Greek or Arabics descent. It is said that a part of Alexander’s army moved along the south coast. When their return became impossible, they settled there and married the locals. After that they had accepted the all rituals from that place.
Q28. What is the story of Coorg for Arab origin? (Same thing Repetition Question)
Ans. People think that Coorgi people are of Arab origin. Kodagus/Coorgis wear long, black coat with an embroidered waist-belt known as Kuppia. It resembles the Kuffia worn by the Arabs and the Kurds.
Q29. How can you say that Coorg have specialty for army? (Army সকলৰ specialty of Coorg)
Ans. Coorgi people are famous for their martial race. One can hear numerous tales of their valour/courage about their sons and fathers. General Cariappa , the first chief of the Indian army was a Coorgi. They are allowed to carry firearms without a licence. Coorgi regiment is famous for its bravery.
Q25. How do we feel at the Tibetan settlement Bylakuppe?
Ans. We feel as if we have discovered here the heart and soul of India.
Q26. What do you know about the set up of Coorg? (Repetition Q. of Coorg Siuated)
Ans. Coorg is situated at midway between Mysore and the coastal town of Mangalore. This land of rolling hills is inhabited by the army men/martial men, beautiful women and wild creatures.
Q27. Write down Alexander’s story about Coorg descent? (Repetition Question)
Ans. According to one story, Coorgs are the Greek or Arabics descent. It is said that a part of Alexander’s army moved along the south coast. When their return became impossible, they settled there and married the locals. After that they had accepted the all rituals from that place.
Q28. What is the story of Coorg for Arab origin? (Same thing Repetition Question)
Ans. People think that Coorgi people are of Arab origin. Kodagus/Coorgis wear long, black coat with an embroidered waist-belt known as Kuppia. It resembles the Kuffia worn by the Arabs and the Kurds.
Q29. How can you say that Coorg have specialty for army? (Army সকলৰ specialty of Coorg)
Ans. Coorgi people are famous for their martial race. One can hear numerous tales of their valour/courage about their sons and fathers. General Cariappa , the first chief of the Indian army was a Coorgi. They are allowed to carry firearms without a licence. Coorgi regiment is famous for its bravery.
***Q29. How do the wild animals, birds and beasts enjoy the clear water of Kaveri? (কেনেকৈ বনৰীয়া জন্তুবোৰ, চৰাইবোৰ আৰ পশুবোৰে Kaveri নদীত আনন্দ কৰিছিল?)
Ans. In the fresh water of Kaveri, one can see the fish and other animals enjoying. Kingfishers dive for their catch. Squirrels and langurs throw half eaten fruits/drop partially eaten fruit to enjoy the splash and the ripple effect in the clear water. The elephants enjoy being bathed when their mahouts scrub (Ghaha) them.
(Kaveri নদীৰ পৰিস্কাৰ পানীত মাছ আৰ জন্তুবোৰৰ আনন্দবোৰ দেখিব পোৱা যায় ৷ Kingfishers অথবা মাছৰোকাবোৰে মাছ ধৰিবৰ বাবে বুৰ পাৰে ৷ কেৰ্কেটোৱা আৰ lagurs (এক বান্দৰ প্রজাতি)বোৰে পৰিস্কাৰ পানীত ঝলকনি(splash) উঠাবৰ বাবে আৰ সৰ-ঢৌ(ripple effect) উঠিবৰ বাবে আধা খোৱা ফলবোৰ পেলায় ৷ হাতীবোৰে গা-ধুই গা-ধুই আনন্দ কৰে যেতিয়া তেওঁলোকৰ মাউতবোৰে গা-ঘহি দিয়ে ৷)
Q30. How do we know that Kodavus are a race of warriors?
Ans. The Coorg families take pride in narrating the tales of valour related to their sons and fathers. The Coorg regiment is one of the most decorated with bravery medals. The first chief of the Indian army, General Cariappa was a Coorgi. These are proved that Kodavus are a race of warriors.
Q31. How can one reach Coorg? (Repetition Question)
Ans. One can reach Coorg either by road, rail or air. There are two road routes from Bangalore. Both are about 250 -260 k.m. The route via Mysore is frequented one. The other route is via Neelamangal, Kunigal and Chanrayanapatna.
Q32. What is favourite with the trekkers? (Repetition Question)
Ans. The trekkers can enjoy invigorating breaths of coffee. They favour to enjoy water sports like river rafting, canoeing, rappelling, rock climbing and mountain biking. In the forests one can have the company of birds, bees and butterflies.
Q33. Why do most of the visitors keep away from Coorg during the monsoons? When do they resume their journey? Give reasons. (Repetition Question)
Ans. Most of the visitors keep away from Coorg during the monsoons. Because, it pours very heavily during the monsoons. They resume their journey from September till March, when the weather is perfect with a little shower.
Q30. How do we know that Kodavus are a race of warriors?
Ans. The Coorg families take pride in narrating the tales of valour related to their sons and fathers. The Coorg regiment is one of the most decorated with bravery medals. The first chief of the Indian army, General Cariappa was a Coorgi. These are proved that Kodavus are a race of warriors.
Q31. How can one reach Coorg? (Repetition Question)
Ans. One can reach Coorg either by road, rail or air. There are two road routes from Bangalore. Both are about 250 -260 k.m. The route via Mysore is frequented one. The other route is via Neelamangal, Kunigal and Chanrayanapatna.
Q32. What is favourite with the trekkers? (Repetition Question)
Ans. The trekkers can enjoy invigorating breaths of coffee. They favour to enjoy water sports like river rafting, canoeing, rappelling, rock climbing and mountain biking. In the forests one can have the company of birds, bees and butterflies.
Q33. Why do most of the visitors keep away from Coorg during the monsoons? When do they resume their journey? Give reasons. (Repetition Question)
Ans. Most of the visitors keep away from Coorg during the monsoons. Because, it pours very heavily during the monsoons. They resume their journey from September till March, when the weather is perfect with a little shower.
Q34. Write a few words about the
climate/weather of Coorg.
Ans- The season of joy commences
from September and continues till March. The Weather is perfect with some
showers thrown in for good measure. The air breathes of invigorating coffee.
the best & Best of Luck. by your
dearest P.B.