Sita, Alternative English, Class 12, by Podmeswar

Very short answer questions: 1 Mark

1.Who is the poet of the poem ‘Sita’ ?
Answer: Toru Dutta is the poet of the poem ‘Sita’.

2. What ‘mythic past’ does Dutta try to conjure in her poem?
Answer: Dutta tries to conjure in her poem about Sita in her exile and the experiences of her childhood days when she along with her sister and brother listened to the sad story of Sita.

3.Who is the narrator in the poem?
Answer: Toru Dutta’s or the poetess’ mother is the narrator in the poem.

4.To whom does the narrator tell the story of Sita?
Answer: The narrator or Toru Dutta’s( the poetess’) mother tells the story of Sita to Toru, Aru and Abju.

5. Where are the three ‘happy children’?
Answer: The three ‘happy children’ are sitting in a dark room but assumes to be in a dense forest of Sita after her exile.

6. Do the children actually see a dense forest?
Answer: No, the children actually do not see a dense forest but imagine it.

7. Why do the children gaze on with wide open eyes?
Answer: The children gaze on with wide open eyes because they are imaginary entered or moved with the sadness of Sita’s story.

8. Who is the ‘poet anchorite’ referred in the poem?
Answer: Valmiki is the ‘poet anchorite’ referred in the poem.

9. Identify ‘this fair lady’ mentioned by the narrator.
Answer: Sita is ‘this fair lady’ mentioned by the narrator.

10. What emotion is noted in the ‘lady’?
Answer: The ‘lady’ is noted the sadness and tears after her exile.

11. Give another word for ‘lay’.
Answer: Another word for ‘lay is legend.

12. Give contemporary English word for ‘eventide’.
Answer: Evening is contemporary English word for ‘eventide’.
