
আমি Narration করিবলৈ তলর নিয়ম কেইটা মানিব লাগিব :-

Note: ওপত উল্লেখ কৰানে প্রথমে আমি Reporting Verb টো সলনি কৰিব লাগে।


Assertive-----that, Ex- He said, “I am writing now.” IND-He said that he was writing then.

Interrogative- if/whether (Auxiliary Verb) & W/H-W/H, Ex- She said to me, “Are you hungry now?”, IND- He asked me if/whether I was hungry then. & He said to me, “What are you doing now?” INDN-He asked me what I was doing then.

Imperative- to, Ex-The old man said to me, “Read your lesson regularly.” IND-The old man advised me to read my lesson regularly.

Optative- that, The old man said to me, “May God bless you.”, INDD- The old man prayed me that God might bless me.

Exclamatory- that, He said, “Hurruh ! we have won the match.”, IND- He exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.


3.Subject & Pronoun:





মোৰ- my








তোমালোক- you

তোমালোকৰ- yours

তোমালোকক- yours


তাৰ/তেখেতৰ- his

তাক/তেখেতক- him









ওপত উল্লেখ কৰাণে বাক্যটো Subject & Pronoun Change ৰিব লাগে, এই দিশত নিজে বিষয়টো নিজ ভাষাত বুজিব লাগিব । তল বাক্যটো মন কৰা-

He said to me, “I(subject) am writing your(pronoun) note now.”

He told me that he(subject) was writing my(pronoun) note then.

ওপৰৰ বাক্যটোত কৈছে, তেওঁ মোক কৈছিল, “মই তুমা নোট লিখি আছো ।”, এতিয়া এই বাক্যটো নিজ ভাষাত (Indirect Narration) ক’লে এনে হব—তেওঁ মোক কৈছিল যে তেওঁ(মই) মো(তুমা) নোট লিখি আছে ।

4.Time Expression Change , 5.Place Expression Change & 6.Tense Change, এই কেইটা বাক্যটো Past Tense অর্থাৎ বাক্যটো অতীতত হ’লেহে সলনি হ’ব । নহ’লে Present or Future Tense হলে সলনি নহব । তল উদাহণটলৈ মন কৰা-

Present Tense:

She says to him, “I am doing this work here now.” (Present Continuous)

She tells him that he is doing this work here now. (Present Continuous)

ওপৰৰ Time Expression, “now”,  Place Expression, “this & “Here” আরু Tense, “Present Continuous”, Indirect Narration টো সলনি হোৱা নাই, কাণ বাক্যটো বর্তমানত কৈছে। “She says to him” অর্থাৎ তাই তাক কৈছে, অর্থাৎ কথাতো এতিয়া কৈছে, অতীতত ‘কৈছিল’ বুলি কোৱা নাই ।

Future Tense:-

He will say to me, “I shall go to this place tomorrow.” (Future Indefinite)

He will tell me that he will go to this place tomorrow. (Future Indefinite)

ওপৰৰ বাক্যতো ভৱিষ্যতে কথাতো কব বুলি বুজাইছে । সেয়েহে একো সলনি নহ’ব ।

Past Tense:-

এতিয়া আহা আমি বাক্যতো অতীতত থাকিলে কেনেদৰে সলনি হয়, তা বিষয় জানো—


The girl said to me, “I am writing your notes here now.”

সেই ছোৱালীজনীয়ে মোক কৈছিল, “মই এতিয়া ইয়াত আপোনা নোট লিখি আছো ।”

সেই ছোৱালীজনীয়ে মোক কৈছিল তাই(মই) তেতিয়া(এতিয়া) তাত(ইয়াত) মো(আপোনা) নোট লিখি আছিল ।

The girl told me that she was writing my (your) notes there(here) then(now).

4.Time Expression Change:

* কথাটো অতীতত ক’লেহে বা Reporting Verb টো Past ত হ’লেহে (Said/told/asked/requested/wished/exclaimed etc) তলত দিয়া সমূহ সলনি কৰিবা ।

Direct Narration

Indirect Narration

Now (এতিয়া)

Then (তেতিয়া)

Today (আজি)

That day (সেই দিনা)

Tomorrow (কালিলৈ)

The next day or the following day (পিছৰ দিনা)

Yesterday (কালি)

The previous day or the day before (আগৰ দিনা)

Last Night (শেষ নিশা)

The night before or the previous night (আগনিশা)

Tonight (আজি ৰাতি)

That night (সেই নিশা)


5.Place Change বা ঠাইৰ সলনিঃ

* কথাটো অতীতত ক’লেহে বা Reporting Verb টো Past ত হ’লেহে (Said/told/asked/requested/wished/exclaimed etc) তলত দিয়া সমূহ সলনি কৰিবা ।


Direct Narration

Indirect Narration

This (এইটো)

That (সেইটো)

These (এইবোৰ)

Those (সেইবোৰ)

Come (অহা)

Go (যোৱা)

Thus (এইদৰে / এইবাবে)

So / in that manner way (সেইবাবে / সেইদৰে)


6. Tense Change বা Tense ৰ সলনিঃ

* কথাটো অতীতত ক’লেহে বা Reporting Verb টো Past ত হ’লেহে (Said/told/asked/requested/wished/exclaimed etc) তলত দিয়া সমূহ সলনি কৰিবা ।

Direct Narration

Indirect Narration

Present Indefinite

Past Indefinite

Present Continuous

Past Continuous

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

Present Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

Past Indefinite

Past Perfect

Past Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect

Past Perfect

Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

In Future Tenses: * Shall / will

* Should / would







*** Present Perfect আরু Past Indefinite বাক্যসমূহ Direct ৰ পৰা Indirect লৈ নিওতে আমি Past Perfect কৰিব লাগে । কিন্তূ, Indirect ত, Past Perfect ত থাকিলে Past Indefinite নে Present Perfect লৈ নিম ?

ইয়াৰ বাবে আমি বাক্যটোৰ ‘Time Expression’ টো মন কৰিব লাগিব । যদি বাক্যটোৰ ‘Time Expression’, the previous day or the day before থাকে তেনেহ’লে আমি ‘Indirect’ to ‘Direct’ লৈ নিওঁতে ‘Yesterday’ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব লাগিব, সেয়েহে বাক্যটো ‘Past Indefinite’ত লিখিব লাগিব ।  


Indirect: He told me that he had gone to the party the day before or the previous day.

Direct: He said to me, “I went to the party yesterday.”


আকৌ, যদি বাক্যটোৰ ‘Time Expression’ ‘Just Then’ বা আন Present Perfect ৰ লগত সংগতি থকা Expression থাকে তেনেহ’লে আমি ‘Indirect’ to ‘Direct’ লৈ নিওতে ‘Just Now’ বা অন্য Present Perfect Time Expression ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব লাগিব, সেয়েহে বাক্যটো ‘Present Perfect Tense’ ত লিখিব লাগিব ।


Indirect: She told me that she had done the work just then.

Direct: She said to me, “I have done the work just now.”  

updating sentences wise later.....

God blessing you all...............