Simple Sentence or Combine With Simple Sentence
No- 1 : Present participle ৰ জৰিয়তে সংযোজন
যদি কোনো এটা
বাক্যৰ কাম হোৱাৰ
লগে লগে আনটো
বাক্যৰ কামটো হোৱা
বুজায় তেনেহ’লে present
participle ৰ যোগেদি বাক্য
দুটি সংযোজন কৰিব
লাগে ।
তেওঁ বাঘটো দেখিছিল ৷ তেওঁ তাৰ পৰা
পলায়ণ কৰিছিল ৷
তেওঁ বাঘটো দেখাৰ
লগে লগে তাৰ
পৰা পলায়ণ কৰিছল ৷
He saw a tiger. He fled away from there.
Seeing a
tiger, he fled away from there.
Technique No-2:
Preposition + Gerund/present participle
কোনো এটা কাম
চলি থকাৰ সময়ত
আন এটা কাম
এই নিয়মটো ব্যৱহাৰ
কৰিব লাগে ৷
I was
coming from my school. I saw a tiger in the jungle.
coming from my school, I saw a tiger in the jungle.
Technique No-3: নাম বা Subject আরু গুণ বা Adjective ৰ জৰিয়তে সংযোজন
(a)Ram was the king of Ajodhya. He defended Ravana.
Ram, the king of Ajodhya, defended Ravana.
(b)My uncle is an engineer. He built this bridge.
My uncle, an engineer, built this bridge.
Technique No-4: Infinitive Technique
(too-to & to)
কোনো এটা বাক্যৰ এটা বিষয়ৰ অতিৰিক্ত হোৱাৰ বাবে আনটো বাক্যৰ
কাম নোহোৱা বা নহয় বুজালে Too-to ৰ জৰিয়তে সংযোজন কৰিব লাগে ৷
EX.- চৰাইটো ইমানে সরু যে উৰিব নোৱাৰে৷
(a)The bird is so small. It cannot fly.
Answer: The bird is too small to fly. (Simple)
(b) The old man is so weak. He cannot run.
Answer: The old man is too weak to run.
(c) The box is too heavy. It cannot lift up.
Answer: The box is too heavy to lift up.
ৰ ব্যৱহাৰ
যদি কোনো এটা বাক্যৰ বিষয়টো আনটো
বাক্য থাকে বা ‘To” ৰ মাধ্যমেৰে সংযোজন কৰিব পাৰি তেন্তে Infinitive বা To ৰ জৰিয়তে বাক্য দুটা সংযোজন কৰিব লাগে ।
(a) I went to the field. I went to play there.
Answer: I went to the field to play there.
(b) The boy is very small.
He cannot do this work.
Answer: The boy is very small to do this work.
(c) He is strong. He can carry this box.
Answer: He is strong enough to carry this box.
Technique-No-5 : Adverbial Technique
যদি কোনো বাক্যত কোনো Adverbial শব্দ থাকে তেনেহ’লে “adverbial” শব্দটোক “Adverbial Phrase” কৰি আনটো বাক্য লিখিব
লাগে ।
(a)Mr. Bora died in young. It was Unfortunate
Answer: Unfortunately, Mr. Bora died in young.
(b) I have got a special prize. It is my fortunate.
Answer: Fortunately, I have got a special prize.
Complex Sentence
Conjugations of W/H Types
What-কি/যিটো/যি/কোনটো/যোনটো→ বিষয় বস্তৰ ক্ষেএত
When-কেতিয়া/যেতিয়া→সময়ৰ ক্ষেত্রত
How-কোনেকৈ/যেনেকৈ→ “Procedure”
Whom-কাক/যাক→মানুহৰ ক্ষেত্রত
Why-কিয়/কিয়নো→ Reason/কাৰণ(because)ৰ বাবে
Where-ক’ত/য’ত→ঠাইৰ ক্ষেত্রত
Who-কোন/যোন→মানুহৰ ক্ষেত্রত
By whom-কাৰ জৰিয়তে /যাৰ
Which-কোনটো/যোনটো/যিটো→বিষয় বস্তুৰ ক্ষেত্রত
Whether(/if) (যদিহে/যদি/হয়নে নহয়)
1) Where-ক’ত/য’ত→ঠাইৰ ক্ষেত্রত
(a)Do you know? Where is the post office? (Interrogative
+Interrogative= First part interrogative + Conjugation + Assertive or s+v+o)
Answer: Do you know where the post office is?
2) Why-কিয়/কিয়নো→ Reason/কাৰণ(because)ৰ বাবে
(a)Why are you so late today? Tell me. (Interrogative + Imperative = Imperative+ Assertive)
Answer: Tell me why you are so late today.
3) Which-কোনটো/যোনটো/যিটো→বিষয় বস্তুৰ ক্ষেত্রত
(a)He asked me a question. I do not understand it.
Answer: I do not understand the question what/which
he asked me.
(b) I lost a pen. The colour of the pen was red.
Answer: I lost a pen which colour was red.
(4) When-কেতিয়া/যেতিয়া→সময়ৰ ক্ষেত্রত
(a) I went to the market. It was in the morning.
Answer: I went to the market when it was morning.
(5)How-কোনেকৈ/যেনেকৈ→ “Procedure”
(a)He got distinction marks in H.S.L.C. I want to know
the technique.
Answer: I want to know the technique how he got distinction
marks in H.S.L.C.
(6)Whom-কাক/যাক→মানুহৰ ক্ষেত্রত
(a)He wanted to meet the boy. He saw the boy in the
Answer: He wanted to meet the boy whom he saw in the
(7)Why-কিয়/কিয়নো→ Reason/কাৰণ(because)ৰ বাবে
(a)Why are you making noise? The teacher asked the
Answer: The teacher asked the students why they were
making noise.
(8)Where-ক’ত/য’ত→ঠাইৰ ক্ষেত্রত
(a)This is the house. He was born here.
Answer: This is the house where he was born.
(9)Who-কোন/যোন→মানুহৰ ক্ষেত্রত
(a)My brother made this building/bridge. He is an
Answer: My brother made this building/bridge who is an
My brother, made this building/bridge, who is an engineer
My brother, who is an engineer, made this building/bridge.
(10) By whom-কাৰ দ্বাৰা বা কাৰ জৰিয়তে
/ যাৰ জৰিয়তে)
(a)I know the engineer. An engineer made this building.
Answer: I know the engineer by whom this building was
(11) Whether/if (যদিহে/যদি/হয়নে নহয়)
(a)The boy may be liar. I do not know.
Answer: I do not know whether he is a liar.
*(12) Whose (কাৰ / যাৰ)
(a)This is my friend. His name is Roman.
Compound Sentence (সম-পৰ্য্যায়ৰ)
/ Combine with Compound Sentence:
Co-ordination conjunction সমূহৰ যোগেদি
বাক্য সংযোগৰ ক্ষেত্রত অতি মাত্রা
ব্যৱহাৰ হয় এই co-ordination conjunction সমূহ ৷ ইয়াৰ কিছুমান উল্লেখযোগ্য Co-ordination conjunction হ’ল-
(1) Not only-but also(এটাতকৈ অধিক গুণ বা বিষয় বুজাবলৈ)
a)He is a teacher. He is a dancer.
Answer: He is not only a teacher but also a
b) She is a knave. She is a
Answer: She is not only a knave but also a murderer.
c)The boy is intelligent. He is
Answer: The boy is not only intelligent but also honest.
(2) Either-or (হয় ইটো, নহয় সিটো বা দুটাৰ ভিতৰত
এটাক বুজাবলৈ)
a) I may do this work. He may do this work.
Answer: Either he or I may do this work.
b) He may be a fool. He may be a knave.
Answer: He may be either a fool or a knave.
c) She may go. Her sister may go.
Answer: Either she or her sister may go.
(d) I shall pass in this exam. I shall fail in this exam.
Answer: I shall either pass or fail in this exam.
(3) Neither-nor (এটাওঁ নহয় বুজালে বা দুটাৰ ভিতৰত
এটাকো নুবুজালে)
a) She is not beautiful. She is not smart.
Answer: She is neither beautiful nor smart.
b) He is not honest. He is not rich.
Answer: He is neither honest nor rich.
c) She cannot dance. She cannot sing.
Answer: She can neither dance nor sing.
(4) But (কিন্তু অৰ্থাৎ দুটাৰ ভিতৰত এটা নহ’লে & এটা সদৰ্থক/Positive
আরু আনটো নঞৰ্থক/Negative বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্রত)
a) He is rich. He is not happy.
Answer: He is rich but he is not happy.
b) She has not wealth. She is happy.
Answer: she has not wealth but She is happy.
(5) Still/till (এই পৰ্যন্তলৈকে/লৈকে)
a) I have arrived in my house. He has not arrived.
Answer: I have arrived in my house still he has not
b) There is no any cloud in the sky. It is raining now.
Answer: There is no any cloud in the sky still it is
raining now.
(6) yet (তথাপি)
a) He has lost everything. He is proudly.
Answer: He has lost everything yet he is proudly.
b) I have arrived. He has not arrived.
Answer: I have arrived yet he has not arrived.
(7) Though or Though-yet/but (যদিও, এটা সদৰ্থক/Positive আরু আনটো নঞৰ্থক/Negative বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্রত)
a) He is poor. He is honest.
Answer: Though he is poor yet/but he is honest.
b) He is tired. He wants to work more.
Answer: Though he is tired but/yet he wants to work more.
(8) Or (অথবা বা নহ’লে)
a) She must be cry. She will die.
Answer: She must be cry or die.
Or: She must be cry or she will die.
b) You can do this work. You can go now.
Answer: You can do this work or
go now.
(9) Both-and (দুজনক বুজালে বা একেটা কামকে দুজনে কৰা বুজালে)
a) Ram went to school. Lakhan went
to school.
Answer: Both Ram and Lakhan
went to school.
b) Rita has passed the
examination. Rona has passed the examination.
=Both Rita and Rona have passed
the examination.
(10) That (যে অৰ্থাৎ ইটোৰ বাক্যৰ অৰ্থ সিটোত থাকিলে
বা কোনো বাক্যৰ শেষত it/this/that থাকিলেও ‘That’
Conjugation ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি বাক্য দুটা সংযোজন কৰিব পাৰি ।)
a) He requests a matter. He wanted to go home.
Answer: He requests a matter that he wanted to go home.
(b) The earth is round. Everybody knows it/this/that.
Answer: Everybody knows that the earth is round.
(11) because/as (কাৰণ
বা এটা বাক্যৰ কাৰণটো আনটো বাক্যত থাকিলে)
a) She did not go to school.
She was ill.
Answer: She did not go to
school because she was ill.
b) She cannot play now. She has
injured in her feet.
Answer: She cannot play now as
she has injured in her feet.
(12) Unless/otherwise (নহ’লে বা এটা কাম নকৰিলে আনটো কাম হ’লে)
a) Walk fast. You will miss the train/bus.
Answer: Unless you walk fast, you will miss the
Or Walk fast otherwise you will miss the train/bus.
b) Read hard/regularly. You will not get good marks.
Answer: Unless you read hard/regularly, you will not get
good marks.
Or Read hard/regularly otherwise, you will not get good
(13) As well as (আরু অৰ্থাৎ দুটা কামক
একেলগে বুজালে)
a) I went to the room. I carried my
Answer: I went to the room as well as I carried my dog.
b) Iron is found in India. Coal is found in India.
Answer: Iron as well as Coal are found in India.
(14) If (যদি বা যদিহে
অৰ্থাৎ conditional বাক্যৰ ক্ষেত্রত)
a) Don’t drink impure water. You will fall ill.
Answer: If you drink impure water, you will fall ill.
b) Don’t waste your time. Your course will not be finished.
Answer: If you waste your time, your course will not be
(15) So-that (কোনো কথাৰ অতিমাত্রা অৰ্থ
বুজাবলৈ আরু কোনো এক কামৰ অধিক হোৱা বাবে আনটো কাম নহ’লে)
a) He is very weak. He cannot run too much.
Answer: He is so weak that he cannot run too much.
b) The box is very heavy. It cannot lift by a baby.
Answer: The box is so heavy that it cannot lift by a
As soon as ( লগে লগে)
(a)The thief saw the police. He ran away immediate.
Answer: As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away
(17) Enough (যথেষ্ট)
(a)He is strong. He can carry this box.
Answer: He is strong enough that he can carry this box.
U) Since (যেতিয়াৰ
/ তেতিয়াৰ পৰা)
a) Send me the rest. I need it very much.
Answer: Send me the rest since I need it very much.
b) You are honest. I will trust you.
Answer: Since you are honest, I will trust you.
God Blessing you all……………
Simple Sentence Making Method:
(For class 11/12 and upper level)
1.Participle ৰ লগত
সংযোজন (Ex- See+ing=Seeing, Press+ing=Pressing)
(a)কোনো কাম হোৱাৰ লগে লগে আন কাম হ’লে ।
(b) কোনো কাম চলিত অৱস্থাত আন কাম হ’লে ।
(c) কোনো কাম চলাই আন কাম ঘটালে ।
(d) চলিত অৱস্থাৰ প্রায় কামবোৰৰ ক্ষেত্রত ।
এই নিয়ম অনুসৰি প্রথমে যিটো কাম আগত
হৈছে সেই কামটোৰ Verb টোৰ লগত ‘ing’ যোগ
কৰি ‘Present Participle’ কৰিব লাগে আরু সেই বাক্যটোক Extension কৰিব লাগে আরু আনটো বাক্য ‘Form’ ৰ সহায়ত লিখিব
লাগে । তেতিয়া, এটা ‘Part’ Extension হ’ব আরু আনটো Part
ত এটা Form সহ (with finite verb)
Simple Sentence হ’ব ।
He saw a tiger and he ran away from the place. (Compound
Answer: Seeing a tiger, he ran away from the place.
On going there, he found the door which was locked.
(Complex Sentence)
Answer: Going there, he found the door locked. (Simple
He hoped that he would win the prize. (Complex Sentence)
Answer: He hoped for winning the prize. (Simple Sentence)
He came home and he began to work. (Compound Sentence)
Answer: Coming home, he began to work. (Simple Sentence)
(2)Preposition + Participle or On +
Participle: (Ex-On+hearing)
(a)কোনো কাম চলি থকাৰ সময়ত আন কাম হ’লে ।
(b) কোনো কাম চলিত অৱস্থা বুজালে ।
(c) কোনো কাম হোৱা মাত্রকেই আন কাম হ’লে ।
(d) কোনো কাম চলি গৈ বেলেগ কাম হ’লে ।
এই নিয়ম অনুসৰি প্রথমে যিটো কাম আগত
হৈছে সেই কামটোৰ Verb টোৰ লগত ‘ing’ যোগ
কৰি ‘Present Participle’ কৰিব লাগে লগতে তাৰ আগত Preposition টো বহাব লাগে আরু সেই বাক্যটোক Extension কৰিব
লাগে; আরু আনটো বাক্য ‘Form’ ৰ সহায়ত লিখিব লাগে । তেতিয়া,
এটা ‘Part’ Extension হ’ব আরু আনটো Part ত এটা Form সহ (with finite verb) Simple
Sentence হ’ব ।
He was going to school and he met his old friend in the
street. (Compound Sentence)
Answer: On going to school, he met his old friend in the
street. (Simple Sentence)
He went there and he found the door locked. (Compound
Answer: On going there, he found the door locked. (Simple
The old man was getting off from the bus and he slipped.
(Compound Sentence)
Answer On getting off from the bus, the old man slipped.
(Simple Sentence)
She heard the news and she became unconscious. (Compound
Answer: On hearing the news, she became unconscious.
(Simple Sentence)
বাক্যৰ মাজত Preposition + Participle সংযোগ কৰি (বিশেষকৈ
After + Participle, for + Participle, before + participle etc)
এই নিয়ম অনুসৰি প্রথমে আমি বাক্যটোৰ
মূল অংশ / Principal Clause লিখিব লাগে আরু তাৰ পিছৰ
অংশ Preposition + Participle (V+ing)ৰ জৰিয়তে লিখিব লাগে
He came home and began to work. (Compound Sentence)
Answer: He began to work after coming home. (Simple
She wished that she would get the prize. (Complex
Answer: She wished for winning the prize. (Simple
Nominative Absolute (Ex- Having+
Past Participle of the verb, Being + Past Participle of the verb etc)
যদি কোনো এটা কাম শেষ হোৱাৰ পিছত বা
হোৱাৰ পিছত আনটো বাক্যৰ কামটো হোৱা বুজায়, তেনেহ’লে Nominative Absolute (Ex- Having+ Past Participle of the verb, Being + Past
Participle of the verb etc) ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি Having/Being লিখি + প্রথম বাক্যটোৰ Verbক Past Participle
কৰি, আন বাক্যট লিখিব লাগে ।
Condition-1 for Rule 4:
যদি Subject দুয়ুটা বাক্যৰে একে হয় তেনেহ’লে –
প্রথম বাক্যটো Having/Being + Past Participle of the verb কৰি, আন বাক্যটো
সম্পূর্ণ ‘Form’ৰ সৈতে লিখিব লাগে ।
She read the book and returned it to the library.
(Compound Sentence)
Answer: Having read the book, she returned it to the
library. (Simple Sentence)
He had finished his work and he went to the zoo.
(Compound Sentence)
Answer: Having finished his work, he went to the zoo.
(Simple Sentence)
Condition-2 for Rule 4:
যদি Subject দুয়ুটা বাক্যৰে বেলেগ বেলেগ হয়, তেনেহ’লে প্রথম বাক্যটোৰ Subject টো লিখি তাৰ পিছত Having/Being+ Past Participle of the Verb, লিখি কমা দি আনটো বাক্য লিখিব লাগে ।
The sun set and we returned home. (Compound Sentence)
Answer: The sun having set, we returned home. (Simple
The president took his seat on the dais and the meeting
began. (Compound Sentence)
Answer: The president having taken his seat on the dais,
the meeting began. (Simple Sentence)
Being + Past Participle of the Verb
or by using a nominative absolute
অতীতৰ কোনো এক কাম হৈ থকা অৱস্থান আন
কাম হ’লে নতুবা এটা হৈ যোৱাৰ পিছত আন কাম হ’লে। বিশেষকৈ প্রথম বাক্যত ‘Was’ বা ‘Be Verb’ৰ Form
‘Am/is/are’ বা ‘Was/were’ থাকিলে এই নিয়মটো
ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি Simple Sentence কৰা হয় ।
Condition 1 for Rule 5:
Subject দুয়ুটা বাক্যৰ একে থাকিলে বা এটা
বাক্যত It বা There থাকিলে, Being
+ Past Part of the Verb লিখি ক’মা(,) দি আন
বাক্যটো লিখিব লাগে । (Being + V.P.P. + Other Sentence)
He was tired and he refused to go. (Compound Sentence)
Answer: Being tired, he refused to go. (Simple Sentence)
It was a holiday and I went to the zoo. (Compound
Answer: Being a holiday, I went to the zoo. (Simple
There was a puja vacation and I visited my uncle.
(Compound Sentence)
Answer: Being a puja vacation, I visited my uncle.
(Simple Sentence)
Condition 2 for Rule 5:
Subject দুয়ুটা বাক্যৰ বেলেগ বেলেগ হ’লে
প্রথম বাক্যটোৰ Subject লিখিহে Being বহাব
লাগে ।
The dinner was over and the guests departed to their
houses. (Compound Sentence)
Answer: The dinner being over, the guests departed to their
houses. (Simple Sentence)
Rule-6/Technique-6: By using an
infinitive: “to” আরু “Too-to”
যদি কোনো দুটা বাক্যৰ প্রথম বাক্যটোৰ
কামৰ লগত দ্বিতীয় বাক্যটোৰ কাম জড়িত থাকে আরু ‘to’ৰ
দ্বাৰা সংলগ্ন কৰিব পাৰি অর্থাৎ কৰিবলৈ, হ’বলৈ, যাবলৈ আদি প্রকাশিত হয়, তেন্তে
‘To’ infinitive ৰ জৰিয়তে Simple Sentence কৰিব
লাগে ।
I have some duties that I must perform. (Complex
Answer: I have some duties to perform. (Simple Sentence)
She sold her car that she wanted to pay her debt.
(Complex Sentence)
Answer: She sold her car to want to pay her debt. (Simple
Unless you drink this medicine, you will not get well.
(Compound Sentence)
Answer: You drink this medicine to get well. (Simple
I am sure that I shall pass. (Complex Sentence)
Answer: I am sure to pass. (Simple Sentence)
I was glad when I heard the good news. (Complex Sentence)
Answer: I was glad to hear the good news. (Simple
যদি কোনো বাক্যৰ ‘অতিৰিক্ত’ বা অধিক
মাত্রা হোৱাৰ বাবে আনটো বাক্যৰ কামটো সংঘটিত হয় বা নহয়, তেনেহ’লে ‘Too-to’ৰ জৰিয়তে ‘Simple Sentence’ লিখিব
লাগে ।
Compound Sentence ত so – that থাকিলেও ‘too-to’ৰ জৰিয়তে ‘Simple Sentence’ লৈ সলনি কৰিব পাৰি ।
The old man is so old that he cannot work anymore.
(Compound Sentence)
Answer: The old man is too old to work anymore. (Simple
The old man is very tired that he cannot walk. (Compound
Answer: The old man is too tired to walk. (Simple Sentence)
Rule-7/Technique-7: By using a noun
in Apposition
নাম/Subject আরু গুণ/Occupation/Adjectiveৰ সৈতে ‘Simple
যদি কোনো এটা বাক্যত এজন মানুহৰ নাম
আরু তেওঁৰ গুণ বা কর্ম জড়িত হৈ থাকে, তেনেহ’লে প্রথমে নাম বা Subject লিখি, কমা দি (,) দি, গুণ বা Adjective/Occupation
লিখি কমা (,) দি আন বাক্যটো লিখিব লাগে ।
Mr. Barrack Obama who was the president of the United
States, visited India last year. (Complex Sentence)
Answer: Mr. Barrack Obama, the president of the United
States, visited India last year. (Simple Sentence)
Ram was the king of Ayodha who killed Ravana. (Complex
Answer: Ram, the king of Ayodha, killed Ravana. (Simple
Rabindranath won the Novel Prize for Gitanjali which was
a collection of beautiful lyrics. (Complex Sentence)
Answer: Rabindranath won the Novel prize for Gitanjali, a
collection of beautiful lyrics. (Simple Sentence)
My brother is an engineer who built this building/bridge.
(Complex Sentence)
Answer: My brother, an engineer, built this
building/bridge. (Simple Sentence)
Rule-8/Technique-8: By using a
preposition with a noun or Gerund
(a) Inspite of / Despite of (হোৱাৰ স্বত্বেও
/ থকা স্বত্বেও)-
‘Though-yet’, ‘Though-But’, ‘But’ আদি Compound
Sentenceৰ বাক্যত ‘Inspite of’ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি ‘Simple
Sentence’ কৰা হয় ।
He has wealth but he is not happy. (Compound Sentence)
Answer: Inspite of his wealth, he is not happy. (Simple
He is intelligent but not kind. (Compound Sentence)
Answer: Inspite of his intelligence, he is not kind.
(Simple Sentence)
He has money yet he is not happy at all. (Compound
Answer: Despite of his wealth, he is not happy at all.
(Simple Sentence)
I warned her but she went there still. (Compound
Answer: Inspite of my warning, she went there still.
(Simple Sentence)
যদি কোনো এক বাক্যক ‘In’ বা ‘at’ ৰ মাধ্যমেৰে সংলগ্ন কৰিব পৰা
যায় নতুবা এটা বাক্যত ‘Time Expression’ (Ex- night, morning, afternoon
etc) থাকে, তেন্তে ‘In / at’ৰ মাধ্যমেৰে Simple
Sentence কৰা হয় ।
He came when it was morning. (Complex Sentence)
Answer: He came in the morning. (Simple Sentence)
She came here when it was dawn. (Complex Sentence)
Answer: She came here at dawn. (Simple Sentence)
We reached home when it was the hour of sunset. (Complex
Answer: We reached home at the hour of sunset. (Simple
(c) After/Before:
বিশেষকৈ Past tense ৰ ক্ষেত্রত অথবা ‘Past Indefinite’ আরু ‘Past Perfect’ত বা আন কোনো বাক্যৰ/কামৰ আগত (Before)
বা পাছত (After) বুজালে, ‘Before/After’ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি Simple
Sentence কৰা হয় ।
Tha train had left then you had reached the station.
(Complex Sentence)
Answer: You had reached the station after departure of
the train. (Simple Sentence)
যদি কোনো এক বাক্যক ‘For’ ৰ মাধ্যমেৰে সংলগ্ন কৰিব পৰা যায় নতুবা কোনো বিষয়ৰ বাবে
বা কাৰণে বুজায়, তেনেহ’লে ‘For’ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি ‘Simple
Sentence’ কৰা হয় ।
She hoped that he would win the prize. (Compound
Answer: She hoped for winning the prize. (Simple
Rule-9 / Technique-9: Adverbial
Phrase or by Using an adverbial word
‘Fortunate’, ‘Unfortunare’, ‘Doubt’, ‘Undoubt’ আদি ‘Adverbial Word’ থাকিলে ইয়াক ‘Adverbial
Phrase’ কৰি আনটো বাক্য লিখি ‘Simple Sentence’ কৰিব পৰা যায় ।
She failed in the HS examination that it was unfortunate.
(Complex Sentence)
Answer: Unfortunately, she failed in the HS examination.
(Simple Sentence)
She is very clever that there is no doubt about it. (Complex
Answer: Undoubtly, she is very clever. (Simple Sentence)
He died young that it was unfortunate. (Complex Sentence)
Answer: Unfortunately, he died young. (Simple Sentence)
He got stand marks in the exam that it is his fortunate.
(Complex Sentence)
Answer: Fortunately, he got stand marks in the exam.
(Simple Sentence)
Rule-10/Technique-10: Removal Technique or ‘S+v+O’
যদি দুটা বাক্যৰ, এটা বাক্যৰ
অলাগতিয়াল অংশ থাকে তাক পৰিহাৰ কৰি আন বাক্যটো লিখিব লাগে আরু ‘Simple Sentence’ কৰিব লাগে ।
দুটা বাক্যৰ মাজত এটা বাক্যত S+V থাকিলে আরু আনটো বাক্যত ‘Object’ তো
থাকিলে ‘S+V’ আরু ‘O’ সংযোজন কৰি ‘Simple
Sentence’ কৰিব লাগে ।
I know what his intentions are. (Complex Sentence)
Answer: I know his intentions. (Simple Sentence)
This proves that he was innocent. (Complex Sentence)
Answer: This proves his innocent. (Simple Sentence)
I do not know what the meaning of the word is. (Complex
Answer: I do not
know the meaning of the word. (Simple Sentence)
This is the man whom I met yesterday. (Complex Sentence)
Answer: I met this man yesterday. (Simple Sentence)
This is my brother who is a doctor. (Complex Sentence)
Answer: My brother is a doctor. (Simple Sentence)
God Blessing you all…………