Prose: Sprat, History of the Royal Society, by P.B. spec. 2nd sem.

Write a note on Royal Society.

The history is the Royal society is very significant as it showed the socio-political atmosphere of London. The Royal Society, founded in 1660 in London had a tremendous impact. The full title of the society was, “The Royal Society of for promoting natural knowledge”. It was on 18th Nov, 1660 when twelve members of the Group Gatheral and Gresham College following a lecture by Christopher Wren, Robert Boyle, John Wilkins, Sir Robert Moray, William and Viscount Brouncker were among those present in the college at the time of society’s formation process. It was decided that once a week, the society would go through the relevance of recent experiments and finding. While Robert Hook was the first curator of experiments, Robert Moray was responsible for securing the permission and approval of the king. The Royal society was based at Gresham College, the place where it first germinated.
                The Royal Society was located for a time in “Arundel House” after the Great Fire of London. The society was highly ambitious which aimed to accommodate any form of knowledge under its previews. It was systematically designed that the society would encourage the cultivation and nurturing at a lucid and sound intellectual attitude.
                The best reflection of it was found in Thomas Sprat’s “History of the Royal Society”. Sprat’s example paved the way for a series of important, intellectual and scientific engagement that shaped the course of serious English language. The Royal society emerged as a model for scientist and writers and the neo-classical bent came to be closely associated with eth kind of position the society sought dispouse in its early age. Sprat’s of the early Royal Society changed the entire perspective of the intellectual thinking that initiated the series of measures to accommodate both working scientist to financially support.

All the best & wishing best, by P.B.