Spec. 4TH SEM., Fiction: Virginia Woolf, E. M. Forster, D.H. Lawrence and James Joyce . by P.B.

Fiction: Virginia Woolf, E. M. Forster, D.H. Lawrence and James Joyce

Write a note on modern fiction with special reference to D.H. Lawrence, Virginia Woolf, E.M. Forster and James Joyce.
Write an essay on the development of English novel from 1980-1985

A novel is a piece of prose fiction of a reasonable length. The modern age is essentially the age of novel. A number of trends and tendencies are visible in 20th century fiction. The novel was mainly confined to the discussion of the problems confronting in the society. In this period, novel was essentially “A Novel of Ideas”. It provided a free discussion regarding different views and ideas, scientific improvement and new inventions, social problems, political conflict and industrial development. In the later part of the 20th century, the novel became an instrument for the expression of realism. Fiction was farther occupied by romantic tendencies. Here a love of romance, adventure and exotic tends became popularized. The credit mostly goes to Conrad as he presented the scenes of tropical jungles and sea life in his most popular novels like “Heart of Darkness”, “Lord Jim” and “The Secret Sharer”. A new tendency started to enter in English fiction that is the glorification of sex and human emotions through the hands of D.H. Lawrence and James Joyce. These novelists treat the physical side of sex and passion in a realistic manner without attempting to hide facts about them.
            Next the psychological tendencies became more and more pronounced in English fiction. The chief exponents of this style are Dorothy Richardson, James Joyce and Virginia Woolf. These novelists popularized another concept known as “Stream of Consciousness” style which was originally coined by William James in his book, “The Principles of Psychology” to describe the flow of inner experience. The style became influential after the technique was used by James Joyce in his masterpiece “Ulysses”.
            The other important characteristics of modern fiction are the exploration of East which was successfully employed by E.M. Forster in his famous novel, “A Passage to India”. Modern fiction also shows interest in detective fiction, regional fiction, biographical and autobiographical fiction; and scientific fiction. In this way modern novel of 20th presented new taste and temperament its readers.

D.H. Lawrence:-
Few novelists divide their audience more justically than D.H. Lawrence. His writing has a depth and intensity. He was one of the most remarkable and striking figures in the literary world between the two wars. He was prominently the novelist of sex life, physical passion and animalism. In the words of critics, Lawrence is a full bloodedly metaphysical novelist and these in English culture are rare birds, he is not mannered, civilized or social able. In Lawrence’s famous novel, “Sons and Lovers” (1913), he expressed his faith in physical life in the following words: "My great religion is a belief in the blood, the flesh, as being wiser than the intellect”. Lawrence first novel was “The White Peacock”. In this novel Lawrence presents the conflict between man and woman. In another novel, The Rainbow”, he again concentrated on the themative interest of human life. In 1926, he published the much critised book, “Lady Chatterley’s Lover”. This book was band in England for several years. Still Lawrence remains a novelist of instinct, sense and feelings modern materialism, artificial conventions and pretending nature of sophisticated society. He shot to escape from money mindness of modern civilization and the ugliness of society. The city contribution of Lawrence as a novelist of 20th century lies in the fact that he had a proper understanding of human hopes and passion. He presents men and women in their true relation with their proper understanding.

James Joyce:-
James Joyce is one of the prominent literary figures of the 20th century. He was the main exponent of the psychological novel based on the representation of the stream of consciousness. His “Ulysses” is the finest example of the subjective method of modern fiction. Another important work of Joyce is “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. It is an autobiographical work and the protagonist Stephen Dedalus is the representative of the novelist. Joyce’s another important work is “Finnegans Wake” where he projected a study of history of human race from its earliest beginnings to the modern period.
James Joyce belongs to the group of psychological sum realistic novelists of 20th century. He is a serious novelist whose concern is chiefly with human relationship and man’s position in the whole human civilization. At the same time, Joyce is a comedian and his novels are rich in playful comedy. On the whole, his genius is for the comic rather than the tragic view of life. His humour is different from narrow comedy to intellectual wit. As a technician, James Joyce is an experimenter, even anxious to explore different methods and doing so he found his ultimate method of stream of consciousness technique.

Virginia Woolf:
Woolf occupies a position of importance in 20th century fiction for she gave to the ‘Stream of Consciousness’ novel a new twist which James Joyce had not been able to impart. The first novel of significance published by Virginia Woolf was “The Voyage Out”(1915) followed by “Night and Day”(1919). In both the works, she made a comprehensive study of the inner thinking of men and women. Her first mature novel was “Jacob’s Room”(3rd Novel) which presents her personal vision of life and experience. Her novel, “Mrs Dalloway”(1925) exhibits a further expression of men-women relationship which was connected in a loose and scattered manners. Her “To the Lighthouse” is considered as the best novel of the celebrated artist projects the every aspects of human life. The novel is divided into three parts, Part-I, “The Window”, Part-II, “Time Passes” and Part-III, “The Lighthouse”. The story of the novel is the experience of Professor Ramsay and his wife on a holiday. The novelist projected both the characters as the selfless individuals who were more concern for the whole society. “The Waves”(1931) was the first novel in which Woolf implied the “Stream of Consciousness” technique for the first time.
            Virginia Woolf rejected the conventional conception of the novel as a realistic presentation of life from the objective point of view. She adopted the method of psychological truth and aimed at expressing the reality of the life of spirit. The laid emphasizes not on incident, exter and description and strait forward narration but one which is the presentation of character through the stream of consciousness method. She has followed the technique of internal, monologue to reveal mind and heart of her character. Virginia Woolf was a great love of beauty and her novels highlights her aesthetic delight in the lovely aspects of life. Her pictures are beautiful and charming. She used impassion method to portray the pictures if life in her novels. Her pictured pulsate with life but the panorama unfolded in her works is not of a succession in a straight of life just like cinematographer projects different background pictures in the film according to its script.
            Virginia Woolf is a prose writer of high order. Her prose sparkles with flashes of poetic beauty and charm. She is a word painter providing snapshots like a photographer. She works as a conscious and meticulous artist. Her invention of new trend of novel writing, her skill full method and her life like projection of characters made her one of the greatest novelist of English literature.

E.M. Forster:
He started his career at the early age of 25 and produced his first novel, “Where Angels Fear to Tread”(1905). This novel satires the conventional morality of the upper middle class people. His Second novel, “The Longest Journey”(1907) also projects the same conflict between convention and nature. “Howard’s End” presents the conflict between second classes of society where the novelist tried to project the class different and corruption that was present in the contemporary society. “A Passage to India”(1924) is considered the first and the best work of Forster. It upholds the complex problems which were being found in the relationship between the English and the native Indian people. This novel serves as a historical document of British occupied in India. Through this novel Forster tried to bring about reconciliation between East and the West.
            Forster has been considered as a realist but the fact is that he takes greater delight in attacking realism through his novels. The novelist paints his characters with impartiality keeping himself as a bystander. He does not identified himself with anyone of his characters but he always stands a little aloof just as a sympathetic spectator and projects the character with all reality. His “A Passage to India” is a realistic presentation of Anglo-Indian relationship and the racial prejudice of the whites and the sufferings of the black. Forster is basically a moralist upholding the cause of culture, tolerance and civilization and attacks barbarism and materialism.
            E.M. Forster is not only a writer of the heights of James Joyce but he is a fine and enduring artist and the only British novelist who reveals every reality and every fault of British supremacy.

Wishing you a best of luck & praying you a successful everywhere, by Podmeswar