B.A. 4th. Semester, Poetry from the Sixties: Ted Hughes and Seamus Heaney

Poetry from the Sixties:
 Ted Hughes and Seamus Heaney, by Podmeswar

*Discuss how Ted Hughes and Seamus Heaney displayed some common characteristics in their poetry.
Write about characteristics of poetry from the sixties (60’s) with special reference to Ted Hughes and Seamus Heaney are the poet of violence.
Present the animal imagery of Ted Hughes and Seamus Heaney.
The sixties represented above all a sense of freedom in poetry. Of course the older poets continued to make valuable contributions like W.H. Auden and Philip Larkin, but poets like Ted Hughes and Seamus Heaney made impact with their arrival to the world of English Poetry. Seamus Heaney and Ted Hughes are the major English poets of mid twentieth century who disinter the bone of ancient texts and recloth them in living flesh. Their poems exposed and explored themes and ideas that have determined human action from ancient to modern times. Heaney, who is an Irish by birth, projected many issues related to Ireland. They also contributed with their close analysis of their poetic themes and poetic patterns. They were different from their contemporary poets in the matter of animal imagery and their animal poems are among the finest in the whole range of English poetry.
The second world wars and their consequences anticipation of a more terrible third war which terrifying of the modern poets. The modern poet has adopted a number of techniques to communicate with the readers. The poet of sixties (60’s) have been much indebted to the French symbolist movement, imagist techniques and the metaphysical, revival and modern scientific findings. They were also inspired by the philosophy of Karl Marx. Ted Hughes and Seamus Heaney were no exception in their matter.
            Hughes is a poet who has developed from an early reliance on external nature to a greater metaphysical assurance and the creation of a distinctive imaginative world. The poetic growth of Hughes from his early work to the best poems in his successive volumes of poetry has been more remarkable. His most celebrated poetic collections are- ‘Wodwo’, ‘Crow’ and ‘Cave Birds’. Hughes has written a large number of poems which depict violence, one of the most dominant themes in Hughes poetry. He not only presents the violence of savage animals but also violence in human nature. In an interview he said, “My poems are not about violence but vitality. Animals are not violent. They are so much more completely control than man.” Poems like The Jaguar’, ‘View of a Pig’, ‘An Otter’ are perfectly realistic description of animal life which also represents vividly of brutality of animals existence.
Hughes shows great interest in the animal world. A number of poems he composed are about animals and their savagery and ferocity of these animals, but there is also a poem entitled, ‘The Horses’ which depicts the passivity and gentleness of group of ten (10) horses at a particular moment in their existence. Like animal world, Hughes also shows a deep interest in primitive beliefs and superstitions. He draws upon ancient myths which always inspired Hughes related to ‘The White Goddess’ or ‘The Nature Goddess’ and it presents her three aspects- maiden, mother and crone (ugly evil looking old woman) which is symbolized by the destructive forces of nature. In this way, Hughes projected different aspects of nature both in beneficial and destructive. In this respect or Hughes’s dual approach to nature is quite different from Wordsworth’s approach to nature poetry which is primarily concerned with the relationship between the human mind and forces which govern man’s material existence.
            It is impossible for any modern poet to remain unaffected by the destructiveness caused by the two world wars which were the most conspicuous historical events of the twentieth century. Ted Hughes has also no exception in this matter. He had a personal reason to bemoan war because his own father had fought in the First World War. In the poem entitled ‘Out’, Hughes meditates upon his father’s terrible experiences of war. Other war poem of Hughes’s are—‘Six Young men’ and ‘Bayonet Charge’ indeed, war too may be regarded as a leading theme in Hughes poetry.
            A skillful use of words and rhythm, an abundant and bold use of metaphor, vivid imagery and factual description, the use of sound effects, colloquial words and phrases frequent use of conceits and hyperbole dramatic effects and the use of ironical humor are some of the qualities of Hughes style which is one of the most original in the whole range of modern poetry.
Hughes is a philosophical metaphysical and psychological poet as well as a poet nature and of animal world. He has interpreted modern life and the existence of modern man in terms of myth and symbol. No wonder that his poetry is a tough nut to crack because the modern poet tends to be more subtle and more elusive in the expression of his ideas than the traditional poet. In any case, Hughes’s poetic works have considerable enriched English poetry and enlarged its scope and its bounds.

God Blessing you.......