Victorian Age
Give a brief account of the Social, Political, economic and relipus tendencies of the Victorian Age.
Discuss the Social condition and lifestyle of the Victorian Period.
Queen Victorian came to the throne of England in 1837 and she gave her
name to the period that lasted till her death in 1901. But the new era actually began with the introduction of first Reform Bill in 1832. This age
is popularly known as “The workshop of the world.” The Victorian Age is one of the most remarkable periods in the history of England. It was an era of material affluence, political consciousness, democratic reforms, industrial and mechanical progress scientific advancement, social unrest, educational expansion, and religious uncertainty.
                   The Victorian age was essentially a period of peace and prosperity of England. The few colonial wars that broke out during this period exercised little adverse effect on the national life. Peace brought material advancement and industrial Revolution transformed the agricultural of England to an Industrial. This advancement created social division and economic distress among the masses. The Industrial Revolution while creating the privileged class of capitalists and Mill owners also brought in its wake the semi-starved and ill clad class of laborers and factory workers who were thoroughly dissatisfied with their miserable fortune.
                   The woeful and deplorable condition of laborers, miners, prisoners soon caught the eyes of social reformers and stage was prepared for the down trodden and underdogs of the society to raise their voice. Victorian era therefore witnesses various reforms and that is why it is an age of humanitarian considerations and social uplitment of the masses. In the works of Charles Dickens, Mr. Gaskell, Carlye, John Ruskin, we notice the zeal of the literary artists to bring about reforms in social and economic life of the country.
                   The Victorian Age witnessed a conflict between aristocracy on the one hand and democracy and socialism on the other. In this period England witnessed expansion in the field of education. The passing of the Education Act was a landmark in the history of education in the country. A large number of readers prepared to welcome the outpouring of novelists, poets and social reformers. The press also came into its own and became a potent force in awakening political consciousness among the people of this age. In spite of the advancement of science and scientific discoveries the general tenor of life was still governend by religious and moral considerations. There was a marked conflict between religion and science, between moralists and scientists and traditional and modern way of life. We can conclude that the Victorian period is a landmark of British history and literature. This age laid the foundation of English prose. The note of individuality was the hall mark of Victorian literature. In this age, the authors extended sensibility of the Romantic Period was replaced by humanity, reality and logical discussion of the subject matter. 
What are the prominent literary tendencies of the Victorian age
Write about the basic characteristics about Victorian Age.
Give a short note about Victorian author and their creations.
Victorian Age is mostly known as “The workshop of the World” in progress in creative world etc. This progress in creative world etc. This period witnessed the flowing of poetry and it also laid the foundation of English prose. The note of individuality was the hallmark of Victorian literature. The literary figures of Victorian period were marked with originally in outlook, character and style. In Macaulay, there was much of the energy and enterprise of self mode man. Tennyson loved to sing about independence. In Dickens books there are perhaps more original than in those of another novelist in the world. The Bronte sisters pursued their lonely path in life with pride and endurance. The Victorian Age was essentially the age of prose and novels. According to W.J. Long, “Through the age produced many poets and two who desercced to rank among the greatest but this is emphatically an age of prose and novel.”
                   The novel in this age occupies a place which drama held in the days of Elizabeth and never before in any age novel appeared in such members and with such perfection as in this period. Victorian literature in its varied aspects was marked by a deep moral note. Tennyson, Browning, Carlyle, Ruskin we were primarily interested to countryman,. Behind the fun and Sentiment of Dickens, the social miniatures of Thackeray. The psycho logical study of George Eliot lay hidden a definite moral purpose to sweep away the arrors and to bring out vividly the underlying truth of human life.
                   The literature of this period was co-related to the social and political life of the age. Perhaps for this reason the authors had given importance to realism rather than on romance. Literature became an instrument of social reform and it became an instrument of social reform and it became weapon of revolt against the materialistic tendeneeys of this age. The literature of this period inspite of its focus on rationality could not spring of romanticism. The spirit of romanticism continued to influence the inner most consciousness of the age. It affected the works of Tennyson, Browning and Arnold. A note of Pessimisms, doubt and despair runs through Victorian literature and it is noticed especially in the poetry of Tennyson and Arnold. In the same way a mark of idealism and optimism is also struck by poets like Ruskin. Browings, “Rabbi Ben Ezra” brings out the courageous optimism of the age. The literature is considerably modified by the impact of science in this period. It is the scientific spirit which influenced the authors to go for a social progress and this element elevated the Victorian literature to a great height.
                   A note of Patriotism also runs through the Victorian literature. Tennyson, Dickens and many other minor poets were inspired by a national pride and they reflected a sense of greatness in their countries susperiousity over other nations. Tennyson’s “The charge of the Light Brigade” is a finest example of this patriotism.
                   The Victorian poets and novelist laid emphasis on men and women and imported to them the same warmth and glow which the Romantic Poets had given to nature. The Victorian age extended to the complexities of human life, the imaginary and humanity to nature and made the art form more humanistic.