A photograph for HS 1ST YEAR, BY P.B.

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Lesson Questions & Answers:

Question-1: What does the ‘cardboard’ denote in the poem? Why has this word been used ?
Ans: The ‘cardboard’ denotes the photograph of the poet’s mother and her two cousins in the poem, ‘A Photograph.’
                The word ‘cardboard’ is used in the poem, the reason is that the photograph is now so damaged as it is similar or resemble with a cardboard.

Question-2. What has the camera captured ?
Ans: The camera has captured the sweet smiles of the poet’s mother and the two girls, the sweet face of his mother and their holding hands each another in the sea shore. (which was one of the happiest moment of them.)

3.What has not changed over the years ? Does this suggest something to you ?
Ans: The poet informs in the poem that the sea has not changed over the years.
The sea means that the natural things like the sea are usually not changed by time. But, on the other hand men or other mortal things are changed by the time.

4.The poet’s mother laughed at the snapshot. What did this laugh indicate?
Ans: The laugh of the poet’s mother indicates the happiest childhood of her. Also, it refers the joyful moment where sad; anxiety, worry and other difficulties are not avail.
 5.What is the meaning of the line “Both wry with the labored ease of loss.”
Ans: “Both wry with the labored ease of loss”, this line indicates that both the poet and his mother are loss something. The poet has lost his mother’s sweet face and her laughter.  On the other hand, the poet’s mother had lost her joyful childhood.   
                Or:      “Both wry with the labored ease of loss”, this line indicates that the sea holiday and the laughter of the poet’s mother were her past. So, these both are lost at this moment for her.

6. What does “this circumstance” refer to?
Ans: This circumstance refers the sorrowful moment of the poet. He has lost his mother, her sweet face and her laughter.  His mother was dead as many years ago. So, the poet has only silence and silence at this moment.

7.The three stanzas depict three different phases. What are they ?
The first stanza depicts/refers the happy childhood of her mother which flourishes/provides in the snapshot of her with the two girls.
The second stanza depicts the middle age of the poet’s mother when the poet’s mother laughs at the snapshot by seeing Betty and Dolly and their dresses for the beach.
The third stanza depicts the sorrowful moment of the poet. Now, he has not her mother, her sweet face and her laughter with him. Instead, only a silence is flourishing now.

Additional Questions & Answers:
1. “And she the big girl ---some twelve years or so” Who is the big girl in this line?
Or  Who is she?
Ans:- The big girl is the poet’s mother in this line.
Or: She is the poet’s mother in this line.

2. “All three stood still to smile though their hair” Who are “the three” mentioned in this line?
Ans:  The three are Betty,  Dolly and the poet’s mother that mentioned in this line.

3. Where did the snapshot capture?
Ans:- The snapshot was captured at the uncle’s camera.    

4. What did the sea wash?
Ans:-The sea washed Betty, Dolly and the poet’s mother’s feets.

5. What was the age of the poet’s mother when the picture was captured?
Ans:- The age was about twelve years old of the poet mother when the picture was captured.

6. “At the uncle with the camera a sweet face”, Whose face is mentioned as a “sweet face “here?
Ans :-The poet’s mother is mentioned as a sweet face here.

7. Who were Betty and Dolly?
Ans:- Betty and Dolly were cousins of the poet mother.

8. Why/what did the thing that the author’s mother laughs?
Ans:- The thing was the snapshot  that the author’s mother laughed.

9. “There is nothing to say at all.” , Why does the poet say like this ?
Ans: The poet says like this because his mother was dead many years ago. So, now he has nothing to say about his mother as she is not present at this moment.

10.What is the thing that stay for the poet now ?
Ans: The poet mentions that there is nothing to say at all but silences and silences stay now.
