Indigo for class 12, by Podmeswar

Series B on Indigo (New updated)

Marks 1 & 2 :
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1.Whom did Gandhi and Shukla propose to meet at Patna ?
Or: Whom did Gandhi and Shukla want to meet at Patna ?
Ans: Gandhi and Shukla proposed to meet Rajendra Prasad at Patna. He later became the President of India.

2.Why was Gandhi visiting Lucknow in 1916 ?
Ans: To attend/present the annual convention of the Indian National Congress, Gandhi was visiting Lucknow.

3.Why did Gandhi oppose the suggestion of the lawyer friends to let Andrews stay in Champaran to help them ?
Ans: Gandhi opposed the suggestion of the lawyer friends to let Andrews stay in Champaran to help them because he did not want to take any help from an Englishman. According to Gandhi, it would be their weakness. Also, Gandhi expected/wanted that the lawyers should learn to win the battle by supporting their own strength.

4.Why is Rajkumar Shukla described as being ‘resolute’ ?
Ans: Rajkumar Shukla met Gandhi in the Lucknow session of the Congress to take him to their village/town to solve their problems. But, Gandhi could not come with him for his several/many engagements. Then, Rajkumar Shukla waited till Gandhi was free and went everywhere with Gandhi. Gandhi was impressed by his resolute and finally they came to Champaran.
For these reasons and his works, Ranjkumar Shukla was described as being ‘resolute’.

5.Who was Sir Edward Gait ?
Ans: Sir Edward Gait was the Lieutenant Governor of the province of Champaran. He appointed an official commissioner of enquiry on the Indigo sharecroppers’ matters/situation.

6.Where did the author of “Indigo” visit Gandhi for the first time ?
Ans: For the first time, the author visited Gandhi in 1942 at his ashram in Sevagram, in central India,

7.Where is Champaran situated ?
Ans: Champaran is situated near the kingdom of Nepal in Bihar.

8.Who is the author of the lesson, “Indigo”.
Ans: The author of the lesson, “Indigo” is Louis Fischer.

9.Which book by Louis Fischer has been reviewed as one of the best books ever written on Gandhi by “Times Educational Supplement”?
Ans: “The Life of Mahatma Gandhi” by Louis Fischer has been reviewed as one of the best books ever written on Gandhi by “Times Educational Supplement”.

10.When did Gandhi decide to urge the departure of the British ?
Ans: In 1917, Gandhi decided to urge the departure of the British.

11.Who was Rajkumar Shukla ?
Ans: Rajkumar Shukla was a poor sharecropper peasant of Champaran. He could bring Gandhi to their village.

12. Where was Rajkumar Shukla from?
Ans: Rajkumar Shukla was from Champaran in the foothills of Himalayas near Nepal.

13.What did Shukla want Gandhi to do?
Ans: Shukla wanted Gandhi to visit his district and solve or against the injustice of the landlord system.

14.Where did Gandhi and Shukla board a train to?
Ans: Gandhi and Shukla boarded a train to the city of Patna in Bihar.

15. Where did Gandhi decide to go first from Patna ?
Ans: Gandhi decided to go first from Patna to Muzzafarpur.

16.Which country had developed  synthetic indigo ?
Ans: Germany had developed synthetic indigo.

17.What was the capital of Champaran?
Ans:The capital of Champaran was Motihari.

18.What happened when Gandhi refused to furnish bail at the Muzzafarpur Court ?
Ans: Gandhi refused to furnish bail at the Muzzafarpur Court then the Judge released him without bail.

19.Where and when was the annual convention of the Indian National Congress Party referred to in ‘Indigo’ held ?
Ans: The annual convention of the Indian National Congress Party referred to in ‘Indigo’ was held on December, 1916 in Lucknow.

20.Why was Gandhi impressed with Shukla ?
Ans: : Rajkumar Shukla met Gandhi in the Lucknow session of the Congress to take him to their village/town to solve their problems. But, Gandhi could not come with him for his several/many engagements. Then, Rajkumar Shukla waited till Gandhi was free and went everywhere with Gandhi. So, Gandhi was impressed by his resolute and finally they came to Champaran.

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