Virgina Woolf (1882-1941) The Art of the Essay

'Art of the essay'

Discuss Virginia Woolf as a modern essayist with special reference to the Art of the essay.
Or, Offer your perspective on the essay as a literary form on the basis of Woolf’s analysis in “Art of the Essay.’
Or, what are the main characteristics and objectives of an essay discussed by Virginia.

           Widely considered one of the finest essayist of the twentieth century, Virginia Woolf composed “Art of the Essay” as a review of Earnest Rhy’s five volume of anthology of “Modern Essay”(1870-1920). The review is originally appeared in Times Literary Supplement, Nov 30, 1922 and Woolf included the essay with a slightly revised version in her first collection of Essays “The Common Reader”.

                   “A good essay must draw its curtain around us but it must be a curtain that shuts us in, not out.” According to Virginia Woolf the goal of the essay is simply that it should give us pleasure. It should lay us under a spell with its first word and we should only wake refresh with its last word. Virginia Woolf initiates the discussion on the subject of the essay as a literary genre by referring to the wide extent to the form, to the variety and diversity of its examples, suggesting that it is the richness of the present state of things in the form that makes it an interesting style. There is an important point emphasized by Woolf at the beginning of the discussion that ‘Present’ state of the form and its practice is of greater than a historical survey of how the essay develops over the period.
One of the best practitioners of the art of writing essay, Virginia Woolf analyzed perfectly the art that involved composing an essay and she displayed her essay writing skills across a wide range of subjects with all the craftsmanship, substances and rich allure like of her novels. Her emphasis on the poem that the essay is written during a particular period can provide enough resource for the growing of the dominant features associated with the genre. In other words she argues that the essay is a literary form and its character can be examine on the basis of the study of its practice in a particular time, for example in her case the immediate present in which she was writing, that is the last phase of nineteenth and early part of twentieth century. So, the contemporary projection is a prominent characteristic of an essay.

                The primary objective to an essay as a literary form is to provide pleasure. The term pleasure can have different suggestion depending on the context in which it is placed. Here Woolf draws attention to the way it impacts and it’s received by the reader. The distinction made by Woolf is significant and she considers it to be a special figure of the essay form. She does not often nor perspective on the role of pleasure that plays to create on attention as a literary type. As her essay deals primarily with the form and its practice of her own time, he focus is on the modern examples of the essay. Though she referred to in her initial phase about Francis Bacon, Charles Lamb and Mark Pattison each one separated by time, style and orientation but the common thing is that they all give pleasure to their readers by their essays and this pleasures are also of different types.

             According to Woolf the nature of the subject may be varied and completely different from one another but the essay as a literary form thrives by generating an ambiance which draws the reader within its frame. It may be hard to find the perfect essay but a skillful essayist will always be able to the reader’s interest by the magic of the writing. This magic is not something that can be pinned down easily but it is that special quality of the essay which makes it possible for the writer to transfer the knowledge through its various knowledge.

            Virginia Woolf provides the examples of Macaulay Froude, who excelled in making use of the essay to communicate to their subjects with remarkable clearity.
             Unlike novels or poems which one aided by story and rhyme respectively, the essay wins the reader by the power of the craft. The importance of discipline in an essay cannot be undermined. So, the essay must be tight, precise and properly organized. In this matter Woolf use the word ‘Pure’ to indicate how important it is for the essayist to take proper care in writing an essay which will not make a mess of it. Woolf considers adherence to a strict discipline to be one of the major features of the essay form. That is why she puts so much emphasis on the condition of purity implying that it is the responsibility of the essays to ensure that the subject is transformed with expertise and craft.

            When Woolf refers to knowledge as one of the conditions that constitute the essay objectives, she is not focusing on providing information through the essay. It should be the representation of a particular vision should contain the stamp of the author’s way of looking on the issue. In this respect she gives the examples of Walter Peter’s essay on Leonordo Da Vince, which transforms the limits of the medium to present the subject with intensity and conviction. An essayist must be alert to the conditions of his style while writing an essay, otherwise even a good subject fall fled and may appear to be a collection of facts and figures unnecessarily ornamented.

          So, Virginia Woolf concluded her essay by saying that all essays irrespective of the age in which they appear, they must contain the permanent quality which will stand at the taste of time. The essay must draw the reader into it and hold him in its gripe. Only then the reading experience of an essay will be worthwhile and rewarding.

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