
William Hazlitt's "On Going a Journey"

On Going a Journey

Discuss Hazlitt as a essayist with reference to “On Going a Journey.”
Or, What according to William Hazlitt are the most important things to be considered during a journey.
Or, what are the advantages of travelling alone? Considered “On Going a Journey” as an instance of romantic travel writing.
“Though we are mighty fine fellows now a days, we cannot write like Hazlitt. Thus spoke R.L. Stevenson who himself aped Hazlitt most sedulously. Hazlitt’s place among English essayist is very high, though few critics have placed him among him. In some respect in fact Hazlitt’s essayists beats Lamb and post him into the second place. Hazlitt’s catholicity (University) zests for life, vivid and emotional expression full of glowing images are each assets. Whereas Lamb has certainly a more romantic imagination, Hazlitt combines his imagination with a searching intellect. As an essayist Hazlitt is not of the school of Addition or Dr. Johnson. He used his essayist as a tool for self revelation. It is said that the perfect egoist is the perfect essayist. After reading an essay of Hazlitt our knowledge about life and personality of the writer is bound to be increased. Hazlitt himself said that, “I myself am the subject of my book” and it is very interesting to see how Hazlitt makes every subject to adjust to his personality.
Hazlitt, essay “On Going a Journey” advocates the benefits of solo(single) travel within once own country or to a place of natural beauty. His affection for travel is very strong. He calls “Going on a journey” is one of the pleasantest things in the world. Hazlitt stresses that solitude while on a journey is a must saying “Nature is company enough for me, I am never less alone when alone.” According to Hazlitt one can enjoy society in a room but out of doors nature should be the companion for a traveler.
Hazlitt insist that sharing the experience of nature with a companion takes away from the sensory experience of it. He says, “I cannot see the wit of walking and talking at the same time”. He believes conversation distracts from the scenery and that nature does not need to be discussed. It is only to be experienced. To tell about the scene while experiencing it, diminishes it and takes away from it the immediate beauty. Everyone with have their own unique experience of nature and seen each experience is personal, it is futile to compare experiences.
Hazlitt seeks freedom from fellow when he is on a journey. ‘The soul of a journey is liberty to think, feel, and do just as one pleases.” When experiencing nature in solitude one can able to appreciate it to its full extent by becoming a part with nature. A Journey should a time of freedom and aware from all things associated with daily routine, professional interest or with city life. When travelling alone one is a creature of the moment, free of all ties. A journey can provide a little breathing space to refresh and revitalize a person. When on a journey Hazlitt says that he begins “to feel, think and be myself again.” He finds joy of life in living close to nature.
Hazlitt’s language in this essay describes the experience as being emotional, like a return to the innocent of childhood. The freedom found in nature comes from being away from the people and allowing the mind to rest. It is the silent that gives Hazlitt relief. In a selfish way he says, “I like to have it all my own way and this is impossible unless you are alone.” Another reason for Hazlitt’s preference for solitude stems from his belief that it is affected to attempts to speak about the scenery in any way that could do justice unless you are a poet. He claims that Coleridge would possibly travelled with a companion because Coleridge has the ability to articulate his surroundings. Hazlitt does not possess such an ability.
Thus is however one subject which provides pleasing conversation in the course of a journey and that is the discussion regarding food, a humorous side of Hazlitt is reveal in his belief and one must share in a journey with someone, it is best not to discuss the natural landscape but rather to discuss what you eat that night. Also Hazlitt asserts that a stranger is always better companion than a friend. In most cases they are the part of the scene like an innkeeper the gypsies, a peasant etc. According to Hazlitt all types of journeys should not be undertaken individually. When one goes to see ruins or historical places it is profitable to have company. It is because these expeditions are more fruitful when one is well informed about the ancient history and this is only possible through possess of dialogue and discussion. There is another situation when a companion can make a journey fruitful and enjoyable that is when one is venturing into a foreign land.

An interesting aspect of this essay is that Hazlitt uses his own experience as a traveler to sustain his argument. The essay can be viewed as an interesting intense of romantic travel literature. Hazlitt was a part of the core group of the English romantic writers in the 19th century and his perspective represents the temperament and sensibility of a mind whose imagination coupled with reason, looked at the issue of travel from both the practical and literary stands points. “On going a journey” presents an interesting perspective on the subject of travel in the early 19th century. Hazlitt projected the theme in the essay that one should devote himself entirely during a journey. This could only be achieved in a true mood of good thinking and love for nature. As we all are aware that we cannot do two things at the same time so when travelling we should enjoy our purpose at the highest level.

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